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Exodus 33:13

13 If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor. And remember that this nation is your very own people.”



Show us Your ways, El Elyon

Your thoughts are not our thoughts,

Neither are Your ways, our ways.

You are a set-apart God

Qadosh (Holy)

You dwell in unapproachable light

How precious that we are known by You.

You call us by name.

Is there anything that You cannot do?

Idols cannot speak,

they are carried into the winds forever by Your breath.

But You, Oh Lord spoke everything into existense.

We will take refuge in You, and seek to do everything according to Your law.

You ask only that we do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You.

Show us Your way, Oh Lord, 

and help us to walk in it.

Thank You, most high God.

Bless Your qadosh 


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 Exodus 34:6-7

 The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out,

“Yahweh!  The LordThe God of compassion and mercy!  I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.

I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations.  I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin.  But I do not excuse the guilty.  I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren; the entire family is affected— even children in the third and fourth generations.”



Let the incense of a pure heart and clean hands rise up to You, oh YHWH.

Through You alone we have our breath, our lifeblood.

Rise up, praise!

Rise up from your deathbed, oh my Soul!

Rise up and give praise to the One who set in motion all things,

and will bring to an end all things that war against His Holy Name!

Pass before us, oh compassionate, gracious and patient God.  Pass before us so that we can fall under your shadow and live!

Sing to Him, dry bones!

Oh sing you vacant carcasses in the earth!

You are gracious in kindness and Truth, YHWH

offering forgiveness to the generations who return to You in repentance.

You hold back Your judgement on the nations who turn to You.

But Your righteous judgement will prevail against the nations of people who rebel against You.

Rise up from your sleep of despair, Oh soul, and praise the merciful One!

 Through You, YHWH,

everything has breath and has its being!

Praise YOU!!

Praise YHWH!

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28 Moses remained there on the mountain with the Lord forty days and forty nights. In all that time he ate no bread and drank no water. And the Lord[h] wrote the terms of the covenant—the Ten Commandments[i]—on the stone tablets.



We long to be 'there' with You, YHWH. 


Nowhere Else.

Any other place is nowhere.

We long to feel the flame of Your countenance upon our faces.

We long to sit, stand, kneel before and beside You.

We long to breathe in the fragrance of pure holiness,

to inhale the sweet perfume of Your clean garment of righteousness.

We so long to be there with You, our Elohim.

Clean these stained and calloused hands.

Purify the tainted hearts of a world you so love, so that we can be 'there' and here with You always.

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28 Moses remained there on the mountain with the Lord forty days and forty nights. In all that time he ate no bread and drank no water. And the Lord[h] wrote the terms of the covenant—the Ten Commandments[i]—on the stone tablets.

29 When Moses came down Mount Sinai carrying the two stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant,[j] he wasn’t aware that his face had become radiant because he had spoken to the Lord. 30 So when Aaron and the people of Israel saw the radiance of Moses’ face, they were afraid to come near him.

31 But Moses called out to them and asked Aaron and all the leaders of the community to come over, and he talked with them. 32 Then all the people of Israel approached him, and Moses gave them all the instructions the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai. 33 When Moses finished speaking with them, he covered his face with a veil. 34 But whenever he went into the Tent of Meeting to speak with the Lord, he would remove the veil until he came out again. Then he would give the people whatever instructions the Lord had given him, 35 and the people of Israel would see the radiant glow of his face. So he would put the veil over his face until he returned to speak with the Lord.



Exodus 34:31


Call out to us YHWH.

  Call out to us.

  It is getting harder to recognize You, YHWH.

  The blistering, blinding, artificial light of this world's lies has hidden Your face from us.

  Call out to us, YHWH!  Call out!

  If we can hear Your voice, we will not just come to You,  we will RUN to You! 

Call out to me, Elohim.

Call out my name so I can know it is You. 

Call out to me!!

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Michele Bachmann and her dedicated friend and assistant, Anita Reed, along with other faithful partners of Regent University, have hosted a much desired and needed time for the fellowship of believers and  followers of Christ to join in a world wide call to prayer and fasting. 

The shofar has sounded and the call for teshuvah (repentance and return) is echoing throughout Israel and Jewish families and communities around the world even now.  As a matter of fact, as I type this post, Elul 2 on the Jewish calendar is almost over, ending at sundown today. 

Isaiah 58:1 of the First Covenanat (Old Testament) of the Bible reads: "Cry aloud, do not spare. Lift up your voice like a ram's horn.  Declare to my people their transgression, and  the house of  Ya'aqob (Jacob) their sins".

Read the rest of the chapter to get a full vision of what Elohim (our righteous judge) says to the people.

It is a joy and a true privilege to join in with this wide community of people who have heard the call to bend the heart's knees to our Father in heaven, recognizing the state of our own souls and that of the nations of the world.  And so, we seek our righteous judge and merciful One together each morning (and for some, each evening) linking virtual spirit arms as we cry out for the soul of our homelands. 

Each day, I have committed to a short post of a thought or prayer as I search Spirit of Truth to lead and guide me into a clearer understanding of my need for repentance, and the call of my heart for the state of our country and those around the globe.  Join me as I pour my soul out to our YHWH (Merciful One) these 40 days, and for more information, check out the link to the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting on our home page.  Perhaps you can jump on in with us and strengthen the chain of intercessors as we gather in our individual dugouts, surrounded by spiritual enemy fire, singing songs of praise and thanksgiving to our mighty King of kings and Lord of lords, calling out to Him for rescue.  This time is a real and raw moment in my life and in the lives of all gathering together.  Remember, the Jewish calendar day begins at sunset, and ends at sunset of the following day (just as YHWH expressed in the first chapter of the book of Genesis, of the Bible).  So don't get confused by the calendar dates I post.

Heavenly Father, show mercy on us all!!

And teach us to pray

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List: Blog Posts

*40 Days of Teshuva/Prayer/Fasting w/host Michele Bachmann


*8-16-23 Prepare for Elul Technical Issues, Read Scripture and Pray.  Exodus 34: 28-35


*8-17-23 Av 30 Elul 1 (Day 1) Elohim (Our righteous judge) Exodus 34:28


*8-18-23 Elul 1 (Day 2) YHWH (Merciful One) Exodus 34:6-7


*8-19-23 Elul 2 (Day3) El Elyon (The most High God) Exodus 33:13


*8-20-2023 Elul 3 (Day 4) El Shaddai (The Almighty One) Genesis 17:1


*8-21-23 Elul 4 (Day 5) Jehovah Jireh (I am your provider)


*So What's Up With the Peanuts


*8-22-23 Elul 5 (Day 6) Jehovah Eloheinu (I Am Your YHWH)


*8-23-23 Elul 6 (Day7) Jehovah Raphe (The Lord Your Healer)


*8-24-23 Elul 7 (Day 8) Jehovah Nissi (The Lord my Banner)


*8-25-23 Elul 8 (Day 9) Jehovah Meqodishkim (I AM makes Holy)


*8-26-23 Elul 9 (Day 10) Jehovah Qana (I Am the Jealous One)


*8-27-23 Elul 10 (Day 11) Jehovah Qedosh Israel (I Am the Holy One of Israel)


*8-28-23 Elul 11 (Day 12) Jehovah Magen (I Am Your Shield)


*8-29-23 Elul 12 (Day 13) Jehovah Chereb (I Am the Glorious Sword)


8-30-23 Elul 13 (Day 14) Jehovah Adon Kol Ha'arets (I Am Master over all the earth)


*8-31-23 Elul 14 (Day 15) Jahovah Shalom (I Am Your Peace)


*9-1-23 Elul 15 (Day 16) Jehovah Tsaba'oth ( I Am Commander of Hosts)


*9-2-23 Elul 16 (Day 17 ) Jehovah Tsur (I AM Your Rock)


*9-3-23 Elul 17 (Day 18) Jehovah Makkeh (I AM One Who Strikes)


*9-4-23 Elul 18 (Day 19) Jehovah Kabodi (I AM the Glorious One)


*9-5-23 Elul 19 (Day 20) Jehovah Melech'Olam (I am the King Eternal)


*9-6-23 Elul 20 (Day 21) Jehovah Eli (I AM Yours)


*9-7-23 Elul 21 ( Day 22) Jehovah Mephalti (I AM your Deliverer)


*9-8-23 Elul 22 (Day 23) Jehovah Qeren Yesh'i (I AM the Horn of Salvation)


*9-9-23 Elul 23 (Day 24) Jehovah Hoshe'ah (I AM The One Who Saves)


*9-10-23 Elul 24 (Day 25) Jehovah 'Ori (I AM Your Light)


*9-11-23 Elul 25 (Day 26) Jehovah Ro'i (I AM Your Shepherd)


*9-12-23 Elul 26 (Day 27) Jehovah Gibbor (The Strong and Mighty One)


*9-13-23 Elul 27 (Day 28) Jehovah Gibbor Malchamah (I AM Mighty in Battle)


*9-14-23 Elul 28 (Day 29) Jehovah Bara (I AM Your Creator)


*9-15-23 Elul 29 (Day 30) Jehovah Adon Kol Ha'arets (I AM LORD Over All the Earth)


*9-16-23 Elul 30 (Day 31) Jehovah Ha' Melek (I AM the King)


*9-17-23 Elul 31 (Day 32) Jehovah Ha'Melek (I AM The King) Part 2


*9-18-23 Elul 32 (Day 33) Jehovah Ma'ozi (I AM Your Fortress)


*9-19-23 Elul 33 (Day 34) Jehovah Tsidkenu (I AM Your Righteousness)


*9-20-23 Elul 34 (Day 35) Jehovah Anokhi (I AM Jehovah ofPurpose)


*9-21-23 Elul 35 (Day 36) Jehovah Shammah ( I AM the Present One)


*9-22-23 Elul 36 (Day 37) Abba Jehovah ( I AM Your Father) Father YHWH


*9-23-23 Elul 37 (Day 38) Jehovah Go'el (I AM Your Redeemer)


*9-24-23 Elul 38 (Day 39) Jehovah Moshi'ak ( I AM Your Savior)


*9-25-23 Elul 39 (Day 40) Jehovah HaAleph v’Ha Tav (I AM the Aleph and The Tav)


*So, Did I Make It 40 Days on Peanuts and Diluted Juice?


*Link to 2023 40 Days Prayer and Fasting & Replay Videos

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