Today we repent for the sin we have sinned against YHWH Elohim, by desecrating His Holy, qodeshi (set-apart One) Name.

 How have we desecrated the Name above ALL names?

We have done so by not showing reverence to His Name in our lifestyles.  When we do not obey His commands, we show irreverence to Him.  When we act any way that opposes His character, in word or deed, we mock Him and desecrate His Name.

Matthew 5 speaks to us:

You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.  No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. NLT

Our lives must reflect our words.  We must bear a pure understanding of YHWH's character, so that we can be joined with Him in a genuine relationship.  He challenged us to be perfect in the way that He is perfect.  This is by no means a self-righteous act.  It is, however, walking in His footsteps.

When I was a tot, I loved getting my momma's shoes and walking around in them.  I was often looking for a particular peachy-pink colored lacy dress/gown she would wear on occasion.  It was very pretty to my young eyes, and momma looked strikingly beautiful in it.  I wanted so much to be beautiful like my mommy.  She surprised me one day, and let me wear her lovely dress, along with her pretty shoes. Clip-clopping around the house in those high-heeled satiny shoes and ball-gown, I felt like Cinderella.

This is how I hope to be with thoughts of my heavenly Father.  I long to put on His garment of righteousness, and bear His beautiful image for all the world to see.  Although  I have often fallen in that desire, and missed His mark by great strides, I still clip-clop along, knowing that one day, if I continue in His Way, I will finally know what it is like to sit in His brilliant shadow, becoming as a reflector that enhances the warm glow of His Light to the world.  I long to be as a prism, refracting the Light of Yeshua into brilliant colors of prismatic joy!

We can do this together, if we commit our ways unto the Lord, and we won't have to live in regret for being bearers of darkness to the world.

clip-clop -- clip-clop -- clip-clop ...


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