We repent for the sins we sin against people when they knew it or didn't know it.

This was a gut wrenching moment in our 40 days of Teshuvah, for many of us.  Reading the chats on the  chat board, I could feel the tremble of emotions fill each typed, clicked and tapped word from men and women all over the nation and world, repenting for the deeds of both the past as well as the present. 

Michele shared about a moment as a 12 year old, when she stole some library books.  At the age of 15, knowing what she had done was wrong, she repented,  returned to the school, spoke with staff at the school,  and made restitution by paying for the books.  In her case, she found forgiveness from the assistant principal's willingness to forgive the debt, but even as a young teen, Michele knew that she had to complete the act of repentance by paying for her poor choice. 

Michele's words of repentant freedom fell over the souls of each of us, and poured into us like rivers of unobstructed waters. We understood, clearly, that repentance does often demand a cost, and often with  repercussions;  we must make right what we have done wrong, in deception.

This lesson was not only about repenting for a wrong choice we made in secret, but also about the choices we make to gossip and harm someone's character, both openly or privately. It  was about disputes that arise in our lives, and holding grudges that often spill its poison into the sensitive wounds of others. And it was about a type of gang-bullying behavior whose intent is to further harm individuals through senseless lies, not knowing (or even caring about knowing) the facts or the truth, in order to build the one up, while purposely attempting to destroy another. It is about rejecting the call of 1 Corinthians 13, to love at all cost.

This was an intense day of shedding LIGHT upon our need for repentance, in every area of our lives, lived openly and in secret.  It was necessary for the cleansing of our Bridal attire, because as our  beloved Groom King said, He is coming for a bride with neither spot nor wrinkle.

I am so very grateful for this time of Teshuvah.  It has become more than an act of words before the LORD.

It has become a LIVING and breathing repentance.



Scriptures to re-awaken our souls to today's truth

Matthew 22:36-40

1 Corinthians !3:4-13

Matthew 18:15-!7


Armour up, Beloved of the Father

This is WAR!

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