We repent for the sin we have sinned against the LORD, with idle chatter

What is idle chatter?

It is useless, vain, lazy, unfruitful, non-productive and un-profitable words.

James 1:19 instructs us to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.

We are all guilty of talking too much, and listening too little.

  I am always amazed at people who can carry on a conversation while typing, texting, dictating, and reading a recipe (that last one would be a recipe of disaster for me).

One person who never engaged in idle chatter was Jesus of Nazareth.  He was always listening, and speaking only what His Father spoke.  He was doing only what His Father did.  How was He able to sustain that discipline while here on earth?  He was the Spirit of God in flesh.  Does that let us off the hook with our many foibles?

Absolutely not.

The scripture says that Yeshua was in every way a human, just as we are.  He knew who He was at an early age, and knew what He had come to do.  The Spirit of YHWH  came upon Him at His baptism.  Those present proclaimed that the Spirit, as a dove, came upon Him, and the sky opened up, with a voice from the heavens  saying "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased".  Later, at the Transfiguration spoken about in Matthew 17, A voice is heard from a bright cloud saying "This is my beloved Son. Hear Him."  How can we hear Him if we are always talking?

Have you ever gone to the cinema with friends or family,  and at least one or two people are always chatting throughout the film, or visiting the snack bar and then asking you what they missed, or what just happened?  They are so busy chit-chatting, that they miss the whole point of the show, and cause you to miss it too.  I have learned to either go with respectful people, or alone.  And sometimes I just wait for the DVD to be available.  It is better that we not be annoying, and learn how to respect others.  I know there are times when we all have so much we need or want to say, and a short time to say it, but perhaps finding more appropriate times to do that can become a balm to our souls, rather than an irritant to another's ears.


The Scripture has warned us that we will account for every idle word we have spoken.

That would feel very defeating, except for the knowledge that YHWH also has promised to forgive those who cry out to Him with ➡️sincere⬅️ hearts.  

It would benefit all of us to spend more time in silence.  It is amazing how much more we can accomplish when we aren't rattling off our mouths constantly, and engaging in foolish  chatter.  

Have you ever paid attention to Finches?  They are so precious!  But they can do some chattering!  The difference is, that they have a purpose in their communication with each other.  That is not always the case with us.

We should  measure our words carefully, and  stop talking to fill up the time and empty spaces. MB (mostly)

I leave you with some scriptures to study from our lesson today:

James 14:10;  Matthew 12:36;  Proverbs 17:27;  Ecclesiastes 5:2

Speak, but be gentle and hopeful - always.

Say what you mean, and mean what you say.  

Words can be beautiful and healing.  

Did you ever play the children's (and all ages, really) card game, Go Fish?

Let's play! You go first.

"Got any gossip?"

"Go fish"



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