Do you have days like David did? 

I sure do.

There are days when the weight of our overstuffed suitcases is just unbearable, isn't it.  It can seem as if we have been dragging it around for a very long time, and our muscles quiver at the thought of one more stuffable item, issue, breaking news report, phone call, prayer request .. and the list goes on.  Puffs (not the 'magic dragon') tissues  have become as much of an accessory in our pockets or bags, as our glasses and cell phones - at least it has for me, these days.  Waterproof mascara (which I generally hold out for emergencies) has now become a staple item, and a kindred friend to my face.  That deluge from the sky, flooding your yard, is not climate change; it is probably the X-Large barrel in heaven, containing my tears, that finally overflowed.

Unless you have found a nice big rock to live under, in a non-flood zone area or inactive quarry, or even a secluded cave in the "anywhere but here" forest, YOU are being suffocated by the antics of unrighteous and demonic cultural  activity, compliments of your local and national governing agencies and  leadership. But don't fret, it is only going to get worse.  

You do realize, if you study the Scripture, that what I just stated is truth.  If you have ever put a picture puzzle together, you know that the fragments poured out on your table or floor are nothing more than a dustpan pile for the garbage bin, unless of course the pieces are sorted, arranged and snapped into place, piece by piece. You also know that every puzzle piece must fit precisely into its designated spot, and not forced into a space out of frustration or impatience.  And then there is the last piece.  You look around and under the table and chairs, sweep under the rug and shake out your clothing.  It is missing.  Frustration sets in.  You commence to blame your family members of foul play, and deduce that a wicked conspiracy has been wrought on your behalf.  You stare intently into the dog's face and observe any strange behavior from the cat.  One of your now newly estranged family members comments "It's just one puzzle piece.  No big deal".  

But it isn't just one puzzle piece.  It is the piece that completed the picture.  Without it,  your unfinished project has become no more than abstract art.  Fake news.  Fraud.

It just got worse.  

I am generally a positive and somewhat gullible person when it comes to putting trust in people and situations intended to enlarge my scope of understanding and interractions with my world -  at least I use to be.  Childhood distorted that trust, mostly.  And then adulthood ransacked it a bit.  

My conclusion to our present situation on this planet, is that we are in a really bad place. We are missing the most important piece to this puzzling life.  We are missing God (YHWH Elohim), Jesus Christ (Yeshua) and Holy Spirit (Spirit of Truth).  We spend more time shaking the rotten fruit from the tree (political adds and rhetoric) than gathering the good, ripened fruit from around it.  In other words, we spend more time yelling and screaming at the television, computer screen, tablet and cell phone, than searching the living Word of God for the missing piece of the puzzle. 

This morning, Michele Bachmann said:

"Begin your day by reading the Word"

"The Word points us in the right direction"

"Forsake the lies of culture, and return to the Truth"

She spoke of forsaking the sacred cows we hold onto, the pride in our lives and how much we have loved our sacred cows, in pride, for so long.  She spoke of humility and that we must pray first, before believing lies perpetrated by culture, and then seek out and respect Godly counsel. We must not walk in ignorance.

King David messed up big time with Bathsheba, and when "Godly counsel" revealed the error of his ways, he immediately repented.

We must repent before our most Holy God if we desire to see real change happen in our world.  Otherwise, toss that incomplete puzzle into the trash, or make a fake god out of it by claiming it is "complete",  and assign pronouns to it.  Then hypnotize and brainwash ignorance (sleepers) to claim the same.

Stop it already!

Wake up, sleepy-head!

Wash the goo from your precious eyes and slap yourself a few times, if necessary.

Get down on your faces before YHWH Elohim and cry out to Him!

Only He can save us!  

There is no other!

Wake UP!

 Otherwise, the dumpster is waiting for a refill.






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