bill wiese (1)


We repent for the sin we sin against the LORD by scorning Holy things of God


Today's  instruction should be quite frightening to all of us.  It ought to make us tremble in our boots.  We have discussed the Holiness of YHWH Elohim enough during these days, that to offer anything less than honor and praise to Him would be to our own demise.  To cross that red line in the sands of time, is to jump from a cliff that has no end.

Mocking Holy things of God can take many forms, from coarse jesting  and jokes about the God of all of creation, to entertaining ourselves on multimedia sources that contain crude mockery of Jesus  Christ and Ruach Ha'Qodesh (Hebrew for Spirit of Set-apartness) or Holy Spirit.

Scripture tells us that we will account for every idle word we speak .. EVERY idle word.  That includes gossip and lies about others, bringing them hurt and humiliation.   

Matthew 12:36-37 says:

And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.” NLT

If we desire to be made righteous before a Righteous judge, we have no other option except to repent and teshuvah (turn away from, and back to the One who created us for much more than this).  He laid down His life on that stake of suffering death for us; that ought to send us to our faces on the floor or ground before us. We must toss away all things that separate us from Him, from LIFE.  We cannot set anything before our eyes and ears that could not stand the test of Holy. 


Throw it all away, the scorning and mocking of our Holy One, and walk in newness of life in Yeshua the Messiah. There will be a great price to pay, if we do not heed the Words of Truth.





Armour up, Beloved of the Father

This is WAR!




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