elul 2 (1)


Psalm 51

(emphasis on vs 10, but please read the entire chapter)

 Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. NLT


Elul is considered the month of compassion, divine mercy and forgiveness. It is the  month prior to Rosh Hashanah, the month designated as the birthday of the universe, the day of Adam's creation, and the day when

“all inhabitants of the world pass before G‑d like a flock of sheep,” and it is decreed in the heavenly court “who shall live, and who shall die ... who shall be impoverished and who shall be enriched; who shall fall and who shall rise.”  Chabad.org

The month before Rosh Hashanah [Elul], taught Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, is a precious month. For thirty days, you can find the Ultimate King awaiting you outside the city, on a rustic path that winds through an empty meadow.

What’s the advantage of meeting the King in a meadow?

Because when you meet the King in His palace of the Days of Awe from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, much stands between you and Him—the carpet, the throne, the royal robes, the protocol, the language you must use, the awe and magnificence of the palace…

But in the field, the King wears blue jeans. And so do you. He even greets you with a smile, and expresses His delight that you came out to see Him.

Now it’s just you with the King.

Maamar Ani L’dodi 5726.
(Excerpted from Chabod.org)
And so we celebrate forgiveness during this blessed month of Elul, alongside our family, the Jewish nation.
We bask in the wonder of the King of all Kings coming to meet US, as we are, by way of a rugged path of filthy rags and pawned riches.  Stepping down from His Kingdom of Light and Life, He came to us, walked amongst us, laughed with us and cried with us.  And then He finished His work by laying His Kingly self down upon the hewn wooden beams that He Himself had created in the very beginning - and He poured out His blood and water upon us, washing our filth, and presenting us as whiter than snow before Him, and all of heaven.  
Isn't that the most awesome and incredible thing He did!!
He did that for ME!!
He did that for YOU!!
What a King!!!!
I don't know about you, dear friend, but I am NOT wasting one moment of sacred breath on anything or anyone less than HIM!
Those days of wandering in the wilderness of this broken world are DONE!
My heart is set on MY KING!
 I am so very grateful that I have the enormous privilege to call Him mine!
Take my hand and let's meet him in that beautiful field, down that rugged path, filled with colorful wildflowers and butterflies ..
and run, like mad, to our King Jesus!!
Your face I do so seek,
most Holy One.
Yeshua (Jesus) can take your heart of stone, and turn it into a heart of flesh, if you will just let Him.
Don't allow anger, bitterness, arrogance, disobedience, jealousy and hatred turn your heart into a useless stone that hurts only you, in the end. Don't use your stone-hard heart to stone others with.  
A heart of flesh is revealed through kindness, compassion, understanding, protection of the innocent, humility, obedience to God, and unadulterated Love (which is YHWH).
Don't continue to walk in darkness.
Open your eyes, before it is too late.
We are ALL serfs.
We will ALL stand before the serf King eventually, and that "eventually" could be very very soon.
We are 1 sacred breath away from eternity.
Just 1
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