hopes hollow (1)


The sins we sin against the LORD  through contempt and disrespect.

The 1960's sexual revolution left our nation with the scabs and scars of rebellion.  Its purulent stench has flowed down from that social dilemma wound, and on into our personal lives today, leaving waves of contempt and disrespect oozing throughout our homes, schools, places of employment and communities.

Today, we see the results of that catastrophic union of evil and ignorance in our children and higher education institutions.  This was, in essence, a rebellion against God's divine order.  When we rebel against His divine order, we produce chaos in every area of our lives.

Do you know how very dangerous it is to walk out of God's divine order?  

Michele spoke of the chaos that satan brings, through contempt and rebellion, into our society, churches, families and personal lives.  She highlighted contempt and disrespect of parents and teachers, and how those attitudes and actions are sin. She admonished that God has placed that authority in our lives.  Only because of the blood of Jesus, have we escaped the judgement that comes with rebellion.

Michele went on to say that the breakdown of respect to parents and teachers corrodes the moral code of society.  We are to honor our parents; to deny that honor, brings consequences personally as well as corporately.  

YHWH wants to free us from the bitterness and unforgiveness of those in authority who have disappointed, as well as harmed us, so that we can move forward to build healthy lives for ourselves and our families, peers, the church, friends and etc.  Michele insisted that we must maximize every opportunity to learn from spiritually mature followers of Christ, to enrich our lives in Him.

I desire to live in full freedom.  I hope that you do too.

Remember, God brings order.  Satan brings chaos.

Thank you, Michele, for your strong voice and healing words.




Armour up, Beloved of the Father

This is WAR!


We do not stand shoulder to shoulder in service to God ...

"We will all serve God as One shoulder."

(Ponder that)

 (This is not my quote.  I will honor the Rabbi who quoted it as soon as I can)

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