it is well (1)



Studying the names of God

  Sar Shalom

(Prince of Peace)


Shalom means absence of conflict and chaos, wholeness and completeness

We could use absence of chaos on and in our earth today, wouldn't you agree?  It seems like every day now, we open our eyes to another historical move of war and catastrophic destruction. Two expressions of these agonizing days, have become the appetizer on our plates of grief and descent: "unprecedented" and "biblical".

Although many of us have been aware, for quite some time now, that things are falling into place to ready us for the second earthly arrival of our Sar Shalom, it still hurts our hearts to witness the tragedies happening all around us.

We want to stay awake, like good watchmen should, but the deep sadness and anxiety can lull us into a protective sleep; a sleep meant to guard our physical heart's muscle from the side effects of stress.

Our Sar Shalom told us not to worry and stress.  He told us that it doesn't add a day to our lives.  In fact, stress from worry will subtract from our length of days.  

Even the heavenly messengers knew the importance of their first words to those they came to deliver a message to:

Fear not!

 Today I  offer prayers and comfort to those victims who have lost literally everything, including and most importantly family, friends, beloved pets and more, in this catastrophic hurricane that wrecked havoc upon so many lives.  We ask our Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace, to be their peace with each sacred breath they take.  We pray for guidance as we make decisions as to how we can personally become involved in the recovery and reconstruction efforts of their precious lives.  I personally pray for a coalition of persons, like you and myself, to rise up and come to their rescue, much like the Amish do for their own.  

Today is in honor of, with deep respect, our neighbors and family who are left to pick up the fragmented pieces of their lives.  

O LORD, if we must receive Your rod for the failure to rightly honor You, let it be the failed leadership of this nation's government, who has blatantly mocked you and persecuted Your children, to responsibly step up and step in to protect, recover and rebuild the lives that they so haughtily shamed and scorned for political gain.  They use your Holy word to mock and manifest their evil demonic intentions.  They have stolen the bread of the children and given it over to the thieves.  They say in their darkened hearts, "None can match our concocted schemes.  There is no god who can rise to the heights of our cunning trickery"  If there is any salvation left to scavenge from their souls, then I pray for such, otherwise, let the carnivorous raptors pick away at their  corrupted flesh until they are no more,  when the battlefields are covered in the  blood  of the slain, at YOUR final judgement of the nations of the earth; and may those of us who have forgotten to remember You, fall with them.

Sar Shalom's Peace to the innocent, and to those who call You







 Shalom, precious ones



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