one tin soldier (1)



Studying the names of God

El Rohi

(The God Who Sees Me)


Genesis 16 tells the historical account  of Hagar, the Egyptian slave girl who bore Abraham's first son.

This video recalls the story much like Michele shared it.


This biblical account has always left me asking so many questions.  I see somewhat of a parallel with the first family of the scripture:

Man and woman are given instruction from YHWH.  Woman deceives herself by listening to another voice.  She then makes her own choice rather than heeding God's voice.  She offers her choice to man.  He chooses her voice rather than God's .. and there is a casting away.

In a similar way, Sarah does the same with Abraham.  She no longer listens to YHWH'S voice and chooses her own.  The cast away, however, is her handmaiden and her husband's firstborn.  

I wonder how life would look presently if Sarah had listened to YHWH, waited, and bore Isaac in the way YHWH had promised.  

Would there have been a holocaust?  A Hitler? Would this senseless war  between siblings have never existed?  

I guess it all goes back to paying attention to YHWH's voice.  

He sees, He speaks, He hears.

What will we do?

My heart is broken over  what is coming out concerning the choices human beings have made and are still making  in our world. 

Wars and destruction dominate the headlines.  Attempted assassinations, global nuclear threats, the greed of man for power and godlike rule over other human beings - why can't we just listen to YHWH and make humane and loving choices. 

Where did greed come from?  Why are we being lied to concerning the hurricane? 

How can these people sleep at night?  Is this what the scripture calls a seared conscience?


What is wrong with people?

Wake up


El Rohi

Do You see this?

Did You see those precious souls get washed away by evil men's greed?

Were these simple, loving people responsible for the sin of an evil powerhouse of the wealthy?

Did the children and tiny babies deserve this?

Why is it always the innocent and poor in spirit who fall?

When are You going to end all of this?

What's next in the 

"October surprise" ?

You are ALL we have to HOPE in.

I hope You are still with us.

Those human souls tossed up in trees and along banks, like stinking fish, were YOUR  children.

We are Your children too.

Or am I wrong?

You are fighting for Israel, as You well should be.

You are taking care of Your Flock.

Covenant or not,

Fight for us too, or toss us on over as unwanted foster sheep, to the other god, and let's get this thing over with.

This hurts so deeply that I can feel the suffocation of those drowning souls in my lungs.

Where were You?






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