our daily bread (1)


The lesson for this day of Teshuvah:

Sin of a "cut n paste" Bible

(sinning willfully and carelessly while we pick and choose what parts of the Bible we want to obey, and what parts we do not want to obey)

 Michele explained that we want the blessings of the Word, but we don't want the "if" factor:

"If" my people...humble themselves, pray, seek and turn,  then I will hear, forgive and heal"

Some will say "oh, but we are not under the Law".  This, however has nothing to do with being under the Law.  The law that we have been freed from, according to the scripture, is the law of sin and death. Michele goes on to say, nowhere does it state that we are no longer under God's  teaching and instructions.  To say that, is merely a misinterpretation. 

1 John 3:4 reminds us that everyone who is sinning is violating the Word. If we are to be counted among His followers, we need to follow Him, follow His Word.

"Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness."ESV

Michele adds that in James 4:17, we choose by our own will.  We sin when we do wrong, but we also sin when we know to do right, and fail to do it. We can claim ignorance to the Truth, however, there is absolutely no excuse for us to continue in sin, especially for those who live in nations that have not band the reading of the scripture .. and Bibles period.  

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. ESV


Romans 6:20-23 says when we are joined to God, we are made Holy.  God is making us Holy, set-apart to himself.  The Hebrew word for Holy is Ruach (set-apart). The wonderful end result of being made Holy, is eternal life!

For when you were slaves of sin, you were free with regard to righteousness.  So then, what outcome did you have that you are now ashamed of? For the end of those things is death.  But now, having been set free from sin and having become enslaved to God, you have your fruit resulting in holiness. And the outcome is eternal life. For sin’s payment is death, but God’s gracious gift is eternal life in Messiah Yeshua our Lord. TLV

Michele also stresses that partnering with God, moves us away from the things that bring us death, and leads us to those things that bring us life.

Now there is the matter of 'unintentional' sins, mistakes we make out of carelessness.   Michele explains that from Romans 6:23 we deduce that when we willfully sin, we join ourselves to death; when we carelessly sin, we also, out of ignorance, carelessly put ourselves in a position where we reap the consequences that lead to death.

The LORD purges out the bad and puts in that which pleases and honors Him, that which brings life to our bones and life to our purpose and families.

Don't you just love Him!

What an awesome Father we have!

None of us deserves Him.

(This was a great lesson today)

    In every generation, the LORD raises up kings and men to carry out His purpose and His work.

His ways are perfect.













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