The sin we sin against YHWH when we allow our flesh to control us
Galatians 5
Do you want a share in the kingdom of God?
I do
We were reminded today, through Michele and the scripture, that in order to fight our flesh, we must put our old nature on the stake. To do this, requires that we spend daily time in the Word of God and prayer .. and take time to really listen to Spirit of Truth speak to us.
We must fight the urge of the flesh to become prideful, haughty, disconnected with the issues that destroy human life (such as abortion, sex trafficking, and euthanasia), putting satan's agenda over YHWH God's agenda, hanging on to hate, bitterness, unforgiveness and offense. We must not bring strife and division into the personal family unit as well as the body of Christ. Certainly these are but a few of the ways we can take control of our flesh, and live in the abundant grace that our LORD has poured out upon us, as He poured out His blood and water.
If we continue to feed our flesh with the poison of the satan's plate of filth and lies, then we are ignoring the blatant warning from the Word of God that states we will, in no way, inherit our share in the kingdom of God.
Are you thirsty?
Drink from the fountain of LIFE, which Jesus Christ (Yeshua) offers. It may take time to untether ourselves from our decaying flesh, but one thing is certain,
we will never thirst again!
His water is LIVING water!
He is enough!
Armour up, Beloved of the Father
This is WAR!