wordless one (1)


Studying the Names of God

YHWH Elohim (Strict Justice)

YHWH Shaphat (Judge)


Strict Justice sounds like a negative character trait to attribute to YHWH, however, it is quite the opposite. Michele explained  that before sin entered the world, when YHWH created everything, what He did was perfectly Just. 

His Name denotes Supreme Power, which includes Justice, Ruler, Law Giver, and Judge - in and of creation.

Ruler, Law Giver and Judge make up the three necessary components in government.  This reveals YHWH's wisdom when He created government.  Man did not create government, YHWH did.  He said the government would be upon His Son's shoulders.

Michele goes on to explain that Justice was the ideal condition for the world, before sin came into the world.  This meant that the people of the world had to be treated by YHWH as they deserved, according to their deeds.

By sending His Son into the world, as a payment for the sins of the world, YHWH added His character of mercy to the creation account.  This was His way of balancing the scales of justice, with His mercy.  So it was not merely about YHWH God's Judgment; rather, His Government  was as much about mercy.

Not only is YHWH Just, He is also Judge.  This is expressed in Hebrew as Shaphat,

YHWH Shaphat, the God who is Judge. 

His Justice will end the corruption and grief of this world, as Michele stated, and I am very grateful for that!  Tomorrow is not soon enough for me,  I beg to see it with my next breath!

In His mercy, He recognized  that we were totally incapable of paying such a tremendous debt of sin - so He paid it for us.  I don't believe any of us truly recognize the fullness of His mercy.  People dish out big bucks for merely bailing someone out of jail.  That does not include the rest of the debt of court costs and possible prison sentence etc.  YHWH Shaphat laid the entire penalty payment on the table (altar of sacrifice),  and we walked out free men and women - 100% free!  This demands perfect justice for His righteousness  and holiness. As the ultimate authority over His creation, only YHWH Shaphat is in perfect position  to  rule, and judge;  He is LORD over ALL.

I think many of us don't think on these things enough; there would not be a dry eye on the planet, if we did.  All day long we would offer thanksgiving to Him for His righteous rule, and His termination of our debt.


 This was the full payment of our sins:  a tiny babe wrapped in the discarded rags of the High priest's robes, just as tiny spotless lambs were wrapped, prior to sacrifice.

The unblemished Lamb of YHWH, sent to pay a blood price for our imperfections.

The incarnation of God's love.

Come,  let us adore Him!



The Holy Gavel struck the sound block as all of heaven watched in silence.

The Judge's decision was FINAL!



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