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Today was Yom Kippur, the holiest of the Appointed Days (festivals, feasts) appointed by YHWH Elohim to the nation of Israel.

Amir Tsarfati helps us understand this  solemn occasion.


Today In Washington D.C., a special event coinciding with Yom Kippur took place at the National Mall. 

A Million Women

I hope to add the video to this post if it is offered to share.  It was a powerful day of prayer, humbling, repentance and turning back to God. It was a time to awaken to the sore state of our individual souls, and the plight of our nation and nations around the world.  Michele Bachmann was one of the speakers, and her words were powerful.  I do so hope you find the opportunity to try to watch this life changing event.  It was real and raw, and opened up wounds of the soul that needed to be healed in order for lives to find release and freedom.


Update:  I did find this event broken down into 11 videos.  Each video is approx 60 minutes each.  The video I posted is #2 in the series.

You can find Michele's message and prayer on this 2nd video of 11 videos posted on YT.  Michele speaks and prays at around 43:50

Visit Lou Engle's YT Channel



"the rest of the story"

Today was also a bittersweet day, as our long anticipated 40 Days of Prayer and fasting came to a close. 

During these 40 days, those of us who gathered to pray from our personal spaces at home, office, car etc. could never have imagined that we would be praying for the people who became victims of two back-to-back hurricanes, one of which has proven to be the deadliest hurricane to hit the nation's south eastern states, with the catastrophic damage done inland into the Appalachian mountains.  At the same time we are praying for hurricane victims, over 200 Ballistic Missiles are being fired into Israel, with non-stop red-alerts going off on our phones. The sickening news coverage of college campuses and streets filled with anti-Semitic brainwashed students around the world, kept us on our heart's knees.  And it will continue to do so.

For me personally, it was a time of healing a lifetime of embedded sorrows and disappointments.  It has reassured me that I am truly loved by my Father in heaven, and that forgiveness is essential for moving forward with hope.  Much like John Bunyan's beloved allegory,  Pilgrim's Progress, I found myself trekking  my own path,  nudged by a distant call to Holy, towards my final destination - the Celestial City.

I am grateful for this stop along the journey.  I pray that my life will prove the power of prayer, and the mercies of a God who SEES.

I am not as I was.


One day the veil will be lifted, and we will see CLEARLY 🐑 




Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.

1 Peter 2:16 ESV 

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Studying the names of God

YHWH  Tsidkenu

(The Lord our Righteousness)


Jewish Virtual Library defines Righteousness in this way:

RIGHTEOUSNESS, the fulfillment of all legal and moral obligations. Righteousness is not an abstract notion but rather consists in doing what is just and right in all relationships; "…keep justice and do righteousness at all times" 

Can you don that cap and gown?   Something tells me that although you might suggest you earned that degree in righteousness, in reality, you just got jilted, and that degree on your wall is worth no more than a fake Picasso. 

There is only One who has ever met that complete definition, and it ain't YOU!

Scroll back up and read that definition again.

I'm still waiting .....

We can NEVER achieve human righteousness on our own, We cannot risk that attempt, seeing that righteousness is the key to eternal life.  That key is in the hands of only One,  That One is Jesus the Messiah.

We are all leaving this planet, one way or the other; we have an appointment with death, and then there will be a judgment.

The scripture tells us that our righteousness is as filthy rags to YHWH Tsidkenu.  

But God...

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NLT

The only way that you or I will ever have access to that promise is to don the mantle of Yeshua the Messiah.

Seriously?  That easy?

Yes, if you Believe.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6

  If you do that, you will have His mantle of righteousness over you, and the righteousness you can boast in, is only and always His.

 "Not only was He righteousness, but He was willing to give us His righteousness." MB

So seek the LORD while you still have His breath moving throughout your circulatory system.  Apart from Him, you are already dead.

Seek YHWH Tsidkenu and LIVE!

Just ask Him to help you.

He will answer.


As Michele said today:   

"God calls us to a RIGHT relationship with Him.  Confess and repent and focus on Him."

"What a deal!"



He loves You

❤Jesus Truly LOVES YOU


We are so broken;  He is so whole

And yet..He loves us

"What a deal!"

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Studying the names of God

El Elyon

(Most High God)


Kay mentions much of what Michele did in her account of Daniel.  Kay takes a more in-depth approach, being that Michele has only 5-10 minutes or so to get a powerful Word out (and amazingly, she gets it done).  

You will appreciate taking a deeper dive with a most remarkable servant of YHWH El Elyon.

She too, is a lover of Israel, and you can go online and watch her teach from its sacred, Holy earth.

Yes, Michele, we MUST cease from sinning, and do what is Right before our Most Holy God.

We must surrender everything to Him, without fret or fear, no matter how disturbing or grievous we find it to be.

(hopefully, before we too completely lose our wandering minds, and find ourselves on all fours, salivating like a rabid beast, and grazing grass in the fields of locusts)

We will never win that particular battle of resistance.





A moment of silence for the lost souls of the Appalachian mountains, and those gathering the last fragments of their lives, lands and earthly heritage from the destruction flooded upon them by way of the hands of greedy man.


Into YOUR Most High Holy hands, 

El Elyon

we commit their spirits.

    for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
 God blesses those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
 God blesses those who are humble,
    for they will inherit the whole earth.
 God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice.
    for they will be satisfied.
God blesses those who are merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
 God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
    for they will see God.
 God blesses those who work for peace,
    for they will be called the children of God.
 God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right,
    for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

 “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.  Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.




Genesis 6:3, 5-8 NLT

Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh..."

The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. And the LORD said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.” But Noah found favor with the LORD.

Do we have a Noah this time around?


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Studying the Names of God

YHWH Elohim (Strict Justice)

YHWH Shaphat (Judge)


Strict Justice sounds like a negative character trait to attribute to YHWH, however, it is quite the opposite. Michele explained  that before sin entered the world, when YHWH created everything, what He did was perfectly Just. 

His Name denotes Supreme Power, which includes Justice, Ruler, Law Giver, and Judge - in and of creation.

Ruler, Law Giver and Judge make up the three necessary components in government.  This reveals YHWH's wisdom when He created government.  Man did not create government, YHWH did.  He said the government would be upon His Son's shoulders.

Michele goes on to explain that Justice was the ideal condition for the world, before sin came into the world.  This meant that the people of the world had to be treated by YHWH as they deserved, according to their deeds.

By sending His Son into the world, as a payment for the sins of the world, YHWH added His character of mercy to the creation account.  This was His way of balancing the scales of justice, with His mercy.  So it was not merely about YHWH God's Judgment; rather, His Government  was as much about mercy.

Not only is YHWH Just, He is also Judge.  This is expressed in Hebrew as Shaphat,

YHWH Shaphat, the God who is Judge. 

His Justice will end the corruption and grief of this world, as Michele stated, and I am very grateful for that!  Tomorrow is not soon enough for me,  I beg to see it with my next breath!

In His mercy, He recognized  that we were totally incapable of paying such a tremendous debt of sin - so He paid it for us.  I don't believe any of us truly recognize the fullness of His mercy.  People dish out big bucks for merely bailing someone out of jail.  That does not include the rest of the debt of court costs and possible prison sentence etc.  YHWH Shaphat laid the entire penalty payment on the table (altar of sacrifice),  and we walked out free men and women - 100% free!  This demands perfect justice for His righteousness  and holiness. As the ultimate authority over His creation, only YHWH Shaphat is in perfect position  to  rule, and judge;  He is LORD over ALL.

I think many of us don't think on these things enough; there would not be a dry eye on the planet, if we did.  All day long we would offer thanksgiving to Him for His righteous rule, and His termination of our debt.


 This was the full payment of our sins:  a tiny babe wrapped in the discarded rags of the High priest's robes, just as tiny spotless lambs were wrapped, prior to sacrifice.

The unblemished Lamb of YHWH, sent to pay a blood price for our imperfections.

The incarnation of God's love.

Come,  let us adore Him!



The Holy Gavel struck the sound block as all of heaven watched in silence.

The Judge's decision was FINAL!



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Studying the names of God


All of these names of God can be found in Psalm 91:

El Shaddai (Almighty One)

YHWH Maon (Dwelling Place)

YHWH Machseh (Refuge)

YHWH Magen (Shield)

YHWH Metsudah (Fortress)

YHWH Migdol Oz (Strong Tower)


Psalm 91

Bible Vision


 Psalm 91 is filled with YHWH's provisions for us.

It was God Himself who gave Himself as our provision. MB

To know HaShem, The Name (reputation, character and authority)  we can more adequately see Him for who He is, and that builds our Faith.

When we are distressed, in need, or just long to be near our God, we have a "real" place we can go to.  

He is our real refuge, a real fortress of protection,  a real dwelling place in the heavenlies (our heaven on earth),  The scripture assures us that we can be with Him now!  At any time that we need Him, He is with us.  That is such comfort to cling to, especially during these uncertain days. 

It is important that we pray these names over our families, friends, community, nation, world, and ourselves. This proves YHWH's authority over all of us, and allows Him to see that we are serious in our desire to know and trust Him. We cannot be these attributes of YHWH, but He can be all of these and more for us!  He is, as Joel 3:16 states, "beautiful for situation".

We need to receive our refuge, and stay there.  He is willing to be all of this for us. MB

  It doesn't get any better than this.  What a beautiful Father we have.  

Is there any situation where He is not enough? 

I would say "No". 

He is enough!

Psalm 18:30 says: "As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him."

"Perfect and flawless" is fine with me!  I would love nothing more than to rest behind His Shield, because He will be there with me.  What a lovely thought.

Thank you, Michele for having such a passion for the Word of Truth, and the compassion to go beyond your own comfort zones to encourage each of us to climb higher,  and to never give up!  These days are dark and disheartening, but how blessed we are to share a space in time where we can draw strength and hope from each other.   

The river is long and winding, but the journey is painted in amazing scenic landscapes.

So I think we all can paddle on down the river for a little bit longer. Eventually, if we don't give up, we will reach our destination.

Thank You, Father,  You know just what to say to each of us, to help us find our way HOME.  It has been a long trek through these hills and "hollers", my King, but I am so very grateful to have had You with me on this adventure.  It hasn't always been easy, and the trails have often led to some pretty scary unknowns, but You never left me alone.  You  are my breath.  Without You, I could not take one more.  I wouldn't want to. 

I hope that brings you joy.

I love YOU!


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Studying the names of God

YHWH Yireh

(LORD Provider)


 Genesis 22:14

Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh (which means “the LORD will provide”). To this day, people still use that name as a proverb: “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.” NLT

"The first time YHWH uses His covenant Name (YHWH) in conjunction with what He surely does for those who are His, is recorded in Genesis 22:14". Rabbi Ralph Schneider

Since YHWH is the same, yesterday, today, and forever - His covenant Name is forever.



We remember the victims and  hostages of October 7, 2023.

Return the hostages HOME, YHWH Yireh, and comfort those who continue to wait for them.

Let the world see the Glory of the Great I Am

Set Your covenant people free!


Isaiah 61 Prayer Song to set the captives free


In memory

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Studying the names of God

El Rohi

(The God Who Sees Me)


Genesis 16 tells the historical account  of Hagar, the Egyptian slave girl who bore Abraham's first son.

This video recalls the story much like Michele shared it.


This biblical account has always left me asking so many questions.  I see somewhat of a parallel with the first family of the scripture:

Man and woman are given instruction from YHWH.  Woman deceives herself by listening to another voice.  She then makes her own choice rather than heeding God's voice.  She offers her choice to man.  He chooses her voice rather than God's .. and there is a casting away.

In a similar way, Sarah does the same with Abraham.  She no longer listens to YHWH'S voice and chooses her own.  The cast away, however, is her handmaiden and her husband's firstborn.  

I wonder how life would look presently if Sarah had listened to YHWH, waited, and bore Isaac in the way YHWH had promised.  

Would there have been a holocaust?  A Hitler? Would this senseless war  between siblings have never existed?  

I guess it all goes back to paying attention to YHWH's voice.  

He sees, He speaks, He hears.

What will we do?

My heart is broken over  what is coming out concerning the choices human beings have made and are still making  in our world. 

Wars and destruction dominate the headlines.  Attempted assassinations, global nuclear threats, the greed of man for power and godlike rule over other human beings - why can't we just listen to YHWH and make humane and loving choices. 

Where did greed come from?  Why are we being lied to concerning the hurricane? 

How can these people sleep at night?  Is this what the scripture calls a seared conscience?


What is wrong with people?

Wake up


El Rohi

Do You see this?

Did You see those precious souls get washed away by evil men's greed?

Were these simple, loving people responsible for the sin of an evil powerhouse of the wealthy?

Did the children and tiny babies deserve this?

Why is it always the innocent and poor in spirit who fall?

When are You going to end all of this?

What's next in the 

"October surprise" ?

You are ALL we have to HOPE in.

I hope You are still with us.

Those human souls tossed up in trees and along banks, like stinking fish, were YOUR  children.

We are Your children too.

Or am I wrong?

You are fighting for Israel, as You well should be.

You are taking care of Your Flock.

Covenant or not,

Fight for us too, or toss us on over as unwanted foster sheep, to the other god, and let's get this thing over with.

This hurts so deeply that I can feel the suffocation of those drowning souls in my lungs.

Where were You?






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Studying the names of God

YHWH Qadosh Israel

(Self Existent One; One True God,  Set-apart, for the "One who struggles with G_d")


I could not find where all three of these words, together, described one "name".  However, names are not just identifiers, they are descriptions of  character, reputation, authority, purpose/mission (according to, 119 ministries and a few other sites I confirmed this information with). 

We can see how the name YHWH is followed by two accurate descriptions of GOD's person.

Holy is actually a "pagan" word.  However, it is the word non-Jews generally use, instead of Qadosh, to describe His Set-apart nature.  


Can you even dare describe YHWH? Try as I might, I find it endlessly impossible.  All I generally manage to force from my breath, is a captivated sigh.  Oh, I talk to Him alright.  I sometimes wonder if He gasps when I return to Him over and over and over each day,  often repeating the same pleas and petitions, as if He did not hear me the first time.  I can't help myself.  I am the woman pounding on His door in the middle of the night, refusing to leave;  and Jacob wrestling with the angel, refusing to let up until I get my answer.  I would assume most of us do that.  I can't imagine what we all sound like, to His ears.  I hope our cries are cleansing ointment to His eyes that never slumber or sleep, and lavender oils to His ears that are ever bending near. 

He truly is a tapestry of brilliant light.

I hope you know Him like this.  When you finish beating your brow before Him, as we all must do sometimes, and wailing in tears before Him, take some time to wipe those precious eyes, and smooth the distorted lines from that beautiful forehead, and sit in silence with Him. 

No words.  No thoughts.  Just silence.

That sigh will slip from your heart, and flow out with your breath.

You will know Him, as you have been known by Him.

My favorite hymn:



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Studying the names of God


(The Name)

 HaShem-I have heard this expression for our creator used by Jewish people very often, but never really stopped long enough to investigate its meaning.  I needed to dig a bit deeper today,  to begin to comprehend its undergirding's.

I hope this video from 119 ministries will help you as well as it did me.


There are a few more videos in this 119 Ministries series on HaShem.  They are well thought out and researched.

The more we learn about Him, The more we respect and revere Him.

This is HaShem







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Studying the names of God

  Sar Shalom

(Prince of Peace)


Shalom means absence of conflict and chaos, wholeness and completeness

We could use absence of chaos on and in our earth today, wouldn't you agree?  It seems like every day now, we open our eyes to another historical move of war and catastrophic destruction. Two expressions of these agonizing days, have become the appetizer on our plates of grief and descent: "unprecedented" and "biblical".

Although many of us have been aware, for quite some time now, that things are falling into place to ready us for the second earthly arrival of our Sar Shalom, it still hurts our hearts to witness the tragedies happening all around us.

We want to stay awake, like good watchmen should, but the deep sadness and anxiety can lull us into a protective sleep; a sleep meant to guard our physical heart's muscle from the side effects of stress.

Our Sar Shalom told us not to worry and stress.  He told us that it doesn't add a day to our lives.  In fact, stress from worry will subtract from our length of days.  

Even the heavenly messengers knew the importance of their first words to those they came to deliver a message to:

Fear not!

 Today I  offer prayers and comfort to those victims who have lost literally everything, including and most importantly family, friends, beloved pets and more, in this catastrophic hurricane that wrecked havoc upon so many lives.  We ask our Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace, to be their peace with each sacred breath they take.  We pray for guidance as we make decisions as to how we can personally become involved in the recovery and reconstruction efforts of their precious lives.  I personally pray for a coalition of persons, like you and myself, to rise up and come to their rescue, much like the Amish do for their own.  

Today is in honor of, with deep respect, our neighbors and family who are left to pick up the fragmented pieces of their lives.  

O LORD, if we must receive Your rod for the failure to rightly honor You, let it be the failed leadership of this nation's government, who has blatantly mocked you and persecuted Your children, to responsibly step up and step in to protect, recover and rebuild the lives that they so haughtily shamed and scorned for political gain.  They use your Holy word to mock and manifest their evil demonic intentions.  They have stolen the bread of the children and given it over to the thieves.  They say in their darkened hearts, "None can match our concocted schemes.  There is no god who can rise to the heights of our cunning trickery"  If there is any salvation left to scavenge from their souls, then I pray for such, otherwise, let the carnivorous raptors pick away at their  corrupted flesh until they are no more,  when the battlefields are covered in the  blood  of the slain, at YOUR final judgement of the nations of the earth; and may those of us who have forgotten to remember You, fall with them.

Sar Shalom's Peace to the innocent, and to those who call You







 Shalom, precious ones



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Rosh Hashanah!

This was a day of reviewing the process of dealing with sin in our lives. 

Michele covered this well, and so I have decided to add the link to the replay video so that you can have a full understanding of the three levels of sin, as she taught it, and our response to sin.  She gives scripture references, so have pen and paper available so you can jot them down and research for yourself.  It is always wise to research what you are taught, asking Spirit of Truth to lead you into all truth.  I have confidence that you will find this teaching, and the past 30 days of teaching to be trustworthy and true.  So spend some time listening and reflecting on the entire 30 days of replay videos.  I have a sneaking suspicion that you will see yourself as YHWH Elohim sees you, and you will desire to be made new - in every way.


You will see a rectangular bar with "2024" on it. 

Under that, you will see a square window that contains all of the replay videos for 30 days of Teshuvah.

(If you do not see the video replay window, click the bar above it, that I described,  and the replay window will open)

I pray you are as blessed as I have been!  And more!

 (and we aren't even finished yet!)


Since this is Rosh HaShanah, I thought you might enjoy listening to Amir Tsarfati explain this very special time on the Jewish calendar.


Shanah Tova!! 


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Sacred Scars

Today was a very special day as we gathered together on our Zoom call, united in prayer before our Holy LORD.  

Today, we sat in quiet stillness as Michele pushed the rewind button on the virtual projector; and reel after reel of the past 30 days flashed before our inner eyes.  Brothers and sisters in Christ, representing nations all over the world, sat in their quiet places, listening intently as Michele recalled, one by one, each beckoning plea to enter a time of repentance, the washing and purifying of our hearts from known and unknown sins that have kept us separated from our Holy God.  

Like Autumn leaves falling gently from their branches, collecting in colorful piles around their tree, the rough, painful, aching, afflictive and spoiled dross of our lives, enflamed in the fires of Holy, sloughed  from our souls. Falling, somewhat less tenderly, into fiery mounds of smoldering cinders and ash, they lay - the remnants of purification.

Most of us know what sin and rebellion do to a life, but not all of us are fully aware of exactly how those sins keep us at arms length from the God who knows no Sin, and in whom is only Light.

He calls us to the high places, to a Holy union with Him; yet apart from cleansing and purification, we cannot know or see Him - as He is.

I am grateful for this hallowed call to Holy, and that I am given the great privilege and responsibility to pen these sacred scars into the annals of time.

I am not as I was



 If you would like to visit the replay videos of teaching and prayers from these 30 days of repentance and return,

please click the link below.


Continue on with us for the next ten days as we discover more about our Magnificent Father through His many divine names.

There is still time to join us. 

If interested, click the following link and Anita will get back in touch with you.

It's FREE!  All you will be required to do is click a link,  and


You will be with us, virtually that is!

(you might have to enter the call ID and password that Anita will provide)



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