Faith (2)

A Faith That Moves Mountains

A Faith That Moves Mountains

By: Crickettt

*Passages are taken from HCSB at unless otherwise noted.

There is a Faith mentioned in the Bible that literally moves mountains out of our way.ย  Jesus spoke about this kind of Faith in Matthew 21:21.ย  Jesus answered them, โ€œI assure you: If you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you tell this mountain, โ€˜Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,โ€™ it will be done. (Matthew 21:21 HCSB)

How is this


Through Thick and Thin


Through Thick and Thin


ย I know youโ€™ve heard the phrase... "Iโ€™ll be with you through thick and thin".ย  If a friend tells you that, you believe them.ย  If they are truly a close friend and you trust them enough; you know they will be there if you ever need them.ย  But, what if God tells you that?ย  Are you truly willing to take it to heart and know without a shadow of a doubt He will do exactly what He said?ย  When troubles come, can you still believe it?ย  Do you have enough faith in God,

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