Jesus (Yeshua) (6)

The Cross of Jesus

The Cross of Jesus

By Cricketttย  (*Revised*)

Let's take a moment to see the full picture of the crucifixion as it took place 2,000 years ago. First of all, during Jesus' ministry, He taught about a new covenant or promise made between God and mankind. The old teachings and old laws were considered the only way to get to heaven. When Jesus began to teach on receiving salvation through believing and not by works alone, the Pharisees would not accept His message and instead took it as an act of treas


You Are My Hiding Place

You Are My Hiding Place


You are my hiding place Oโ€™ Lord my God.

When chaos surrounds me, I will trust in You.

My days have been numbered and You know each one that is set before me.

You wrote a book about me before I was created and You called me by name.

I am uniquely and wonderfully made by You.

You count all the hairs on my head and not one falls without Your knowledge.

You see the pain and sorrow I experience, but when I am weak, You make me strong.

You hear me when I cry and save all


You Are

โ€œYou Areโ€


When I am lonely, you are my friend.

When I am tired, you are the one who gives me strength.

When I am hurting, you are my comforter.

When I don't know where to go, you are my sanctuary.

When I am lost, you are the light of my salvation.

When I am struggling, you are my deliverer.

When I want to give up, you are the God who lifts me up.

When I am confused, you are my understanding.

When I am in trouble, you are the one who rescues me.

When disappointment overwhelms me, you bring me j


The True Meaning of Christmas


The True Meaning of Christmas


ย Luke 2:1-20-And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augusts, that all the world should be taxed. ย And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. ย And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city. ย And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David) to be taxed with M


Remembering Jesus


While the trees are being trimmed in all their splendor, while songs from merry hearts are sounding all around; families are gathered together to share a special time of love and giving. ย Christmas is a joyous time of the year filled with the spirit of peace, joy, laughter and fellowship. ย What is this celebration really about? ย And who are we honoring during the holiday season? ย Among the shimmering glitter, tinsel and stockings, Santa and sleigh bells, lies a story more precious than gold.




A Child is Born

A Child Is Born


One very special evening

Many years ago

A baby came to greet us

For the Angels told us so.


In a little town called Bethlehem

There they said He'd be

Lying in a manger

For all the world to see.


Among the sheep and cattle

A newborn King arrived

Dressed in shepherd's clothing

Lying by His mother's side.


Oh, what grace and wonder

The world may never know

The beauty of this baby

As told from long ago.


He came to us so innocent

And yet within Him flowed

The Spirit of His Father

Who truly l

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