Wisdom (2)

Your Two Cents Matters

Your Two Cents Matters


I wanted to share with you a true story that recently happened to someone I know.  He works in retail and had been very busy checking out customers that day.  An elderly couple was waiting in line and began to argue about what she was buying.  The cashier continued to check out the other customers. The conversation between the couple became a bit more intense and comical as they continued to argue back and forth.  Finally, the woman turned to her husband and sai

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King Solomon's Question

 King Solomon's Question


 Today...God impressed upon my heart the story of King Solomon in the Bible.  He asked me to remember how that Solomon, when asked what he wanted, responded to God by asking for Wisdom to lead God's nation Israel wisely.  He did not ask for wealth or anything this world could offer.  And God told him, because he had chosen Wisdom over riches, God would not only give him the wisdom he asked for but also the wealth of the world.  God made Solomon the Wisest and

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