"A Warning to Come"
"Hear My voice today, for I come to you. Wake up your spiritual man, you who desire of Me. The time is at the door, even now it comes. So many are drifting, they have fallen away from Me. They have left their First Love to grab what the world has to offer. I have been waiting for them, but they do not desire Me or My Word. The pleasures and greed of this world have turned them away. I would be a Father to them. I would draw them ever so close, but they would have no part of My love."
"Woe to you departed ones, for the devil has come into your place and he has enticed you with his lies and deceit. You have fallen for this trap. You have taken your heart and sold it to the enemy. I would, that you would turn to Me your Creator, God and King. Then, I would restore you to your beginning."
"Woe to you hypocrites, for your time is shortened. The enemy has pitched his tents around you. He is waiting in the wings to destroy what belongs to Me. You have left your First Love. You have not repented therefore, you will face the judgement to come."
"Woe to you who have captured the hearts of many with your lies and false prophecies. Into the Lake of Fire, you shall go. Into Outer Darkness you will be cast off and there you will be separated from Me forever more."
"Woe to you who cause My little ones to stumble and grieve. You have taunted them and placed them in bondage. I will Free them with the Right Hand of My Righteousness; and you shall have your just reward for what you have done to them."
"Woe to you who call yourself Christians and live in hiding behind closed doors. You sin and commit the unthinkable. You will have no place in My Holy Kingdom for your religion is Untruth. You walk with a "Holy attitude" and speak lies within your breath. See! Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me to pay unto you all that you deserve."
"Come...Come back to Me before it's too late! Come drink the Living Waters once again that can save you. Repent from your false ways and you shall have Eternal Life. Walk in My obedience for My ways are Life and Truth."
"Get away from the enemy (the devil). He has enticed you from within. Walk away, Run away! Come unto Me all you who are weary and burdened down and I will give you rest. That "Day of Rest" is upon you! Here, even now it comes! For I will take what is Mine and bring them to safety. Those who have rejected My heeding shall fall into the sword of the enemy and be trampled on."
"Hear My voice 'Oh you people. Hear this Final Warning, I give you now! Come, draw near to Me while I Am near. My presence will not wait much longer and then, I will pour out My Wrath upon the nations and the people who remain. Those days will be like no other! Destruction shall come without relief!"
"I will carry out all I have said. It will be done and is done! Be not fooled by the desires of this world or by the thoughts and desires of men. They too have been enslaved by the enemy. He is but a vapor who is here one moment and cast out into eternal damnation the next. There, he will remain forever. Do not walk in his ways and his trickery."
"Come to Me, repent and I will give you My Spirit and My Word shall sustain you through everything. Come and see that the Lord is Good! His Mercy Endures Forever! Come!
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