Another New Year
It's another New Year and God is saying, let's start Fresh!
Maybe you think there's no way to undo what all has happened this past year. So many times, we feel unworthy of such blessings to come. How can God forgive, But He Does and Can!
You don't have to be perfect, you don't even have to do things in a special way. God wants you just the way you are!
The Bible says, God brings blessings every day. We may not see it with our eyes or hear with our ears, but He is there...Loving you and calling out your name! That's right! He calls us by name! You are so important to Him! He doesn't want you to run in the opposite direction when things go wrong. He wants you to run to Him. That is what makes us stronger. When we can come in all our emptiness and brokenness, there we find who God really is. When you lay it all...every burden, every sin, every hurt, His feet, God comes and bit by bit you can start to see something good rising up from within. The courage to go forward, reaching towards your destiny. The destiny that God has placed within all of his creation. No matter how deep you feel you have fallen, there is HOPE! When everyone around you says, "You Can't", God says..."You Can"! Hold on to your dreams...and let go of Pride. Humble yourself before the Almighty God who created you and put his breath within you. Don't let go of your life and the great and wonderful plans still yet to come. God can take the most impossible situation and turn it all around. He will do that for you when you ask. He is a gentleman and will not force you to do anything. He waits there with you each day just waiting for you to finally see that you need Him. The answers come as God teaches you to be patient and wait on Him to move on your behalf. God's will is that everyone will stop and listen to His voice, sense His direction and obey. Start your New Year over. What's done is done, you can't go back and change your past but, you can go forward with God and change today! Let Go of all the old and know that He loves you and will never leave you! Ever!!!!
(Amplified Bible) Psalm 22:9-10--Yet You are He Who took me out of the womb; You made me Hope and trust when I was on my mother's breasts. I was cast upon You from my very birth; from my mother's womb You have been my God.
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