Another Obstacle
Have you ever been running full steam ahead only to find yourself once again stumbling over another obstacle? Yeah, me too. Sometimes it seems like I am able to get one problem out from under my feet and then soon after, another one pops up from nowhere! Ahhhhh!!! Would someone please just stop this crazy ride and let me off!! Frustration...Frustration....what's next. This seems to be my outline for the day lately. Just when I think I have it all together, all chaos breaks loose. I know I'm not alone though. I think of that "ole saying "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". Well, that's me alright! I may not have it all together a lot of the time but, I do know that it does not have to be this way. I learned something a long time ago that really helped me do things differently. We are but a vapor in this life we live here on the earth. Our days are numbered by God. I have been given the chance to make choices that will either "make me or break me". What I decide to do with the time I have is up to me. If I waste it on worry and frustration, those are moments I cannot have back. Each new day is a lesson itself and we are being taught how to walk through it if we will take the time to stop and listen.
I see so many people wrapped up in doing everything and getting so frustrated because they can't seem to slow down. When that happens, it's time to take a step back and see if it is all worth the time spent in frustration or being too tired for what really matters. None of us are in control of what will happen in our lives however, we can think about our choices a little better. That new obstacle in your way is sometimes God trying to tell you something. Maybe that's not what he wants you doing right now, or maybe it is a test of faith to strengthen you in trusting God. Stepping out and examining our motives behind our decisions will help us look at what it is driving us into complete exhaustion.
Those obstacles in your way are always going to be there one way or another. It will be up to you to decide what you're going to do with them. Life is full of mysteries and each new day is different. I encourage you to read Psalm 39. It talks about our life here and how short it really is but, God is in control. Our only hope to get through the day is in God. He directs our steps and leads us into His perfect plan if we will let him. Sometimes we get our minds set on doing things our way thinking maybe we will help speed up things with God just a little. God doesn't need our help to get things moving. Just because we don't see things moving quick enough doesn't mean God is not doing anything about it. He says that He is always here working on our behalf and if we will just be patient, those obstacles will move. So maybe today we should stop and ask God what it is He wants us to do today. Don't miss out on a blessing waiting around the corner for you. Let God move the obstacles or show you how to do it. There is nothing impossible for God.
Psalm 27:14 (NIV)-Wait for the Lord; Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
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