Begin Again
Today I want to share with you something God brought to my attention while I was doing my Bible Study. I hope that this will inspire you as much as it did me.
The story is found in the book of Ezra. The Temple of the Lord had been destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar and all the vessels of the temple and its treasures were taken to Babylon. When Cyrus became king of Persia, he was visited by the prophet Jeremiah and given a word about the rebuilding of the temple. So, the king of Persia offered a proclamation for the rebuilding of the temple and any finances would be paid by the royal treasure. Also, everything that Nebuchadnezzar took that belonged to the temple would also be returned.
Several exiles of Babylon went up to Jerusalem to start rebuilding the temple of the Lord. Among them was a priest and scribe by the name of Zerubbabel. He and the others that were led there by God arrived to get started. As they were building on the temple, they were constantly running into obstacles along the way and people who did whatever they could to prevent the rebuilding. After 10 long years of waiting to finish it, and two more kings took the throne, two prophets came by the name of Haggai and Zechariah came to Zerubbabel and told him two words that God wanted him to know..."Begin Again". These two words gave Zerubbabel everything he needed to stand firm and do what God wanted him to do. What looked impossible to him was possible for God. God even gave him favor with king Darius, the new reigning king of Persia. Darius decreed the temple would be built and that if anyone came against them in anyway or caused trouble or slowed down building of the temple, everything those troublemakers had would be destroyed.
Zerubbabel had a dream buried within him by God to rebuild the Holy Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem and he wanted so much to see that dream fulfilled. Even after all the oppositions and 10 years of waiting, God came through. Zerubbabel never gave up, his dream may have taken longer than anticipated, but he continued to endure. He believed the temple would be built when God was ready.
And not only did it get built but God brought great prosperity to the temple.
I have two words for you today...."Begin Again". No matter what you have faced in the past, look ahead, and move forward.....know that God will remove every enemy from your path and that dream inside you will be fulfilled with God on your side. Don't let your victory be overcome by what the world says and thinks. Every obstacle you face is nothing in God's eyes. He has already given you everything you need to finish what you started. God always finishes what he starts, and you are in His perfect plan; therefore, your dreams, visions, tasks are in God's hands and in His timing.
Hold your head up high....and like Zerubbabel, God is breaking all the barriers, knocking down every wall in your way, taking care of your enemies and giving you all you need to complete what he began in you. Step out in Faith knowing it is done and do not be afraid to, Begin Again!
(NIV) Philippians 1:6- Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
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