Building Among Thorns
I saw the most interesting event take place a week ago. A female Cardinal was building a nest inside a rose bush outside my window. I stood there in amazement when I first saw her flying quickly in and out. As she wove together her little nest, I thought about how odd to build a nest among the thorns. After all, the rose bush has sharp thorns that could hurt her as she flew back and forth gathering her sticks, straw and leaves. And what about her babies once they hatched? Their delicate skin without the protection of feathers...what would happen to them? Then, it occurred to me, that momma bird didn't seem bothered by those thorns at all. She somehow figured out that her nest would be safe from predators that would try and steal her eggs or babies when they hatched. She knew her babies would be taken care of. The thorns would become a refuge for them; guarding them from what might happen later and making them more cautious.
What a valuable lesson can be learned by all this!
I believe God allows us to see things even in nature to help us understand our own lives. We are often struggling in life just to overcome all the thorns that appear in our lives, day by day. And yet God remains faithful and watchful over us making sure the thorns do not become too much for us to bear. Going through difficult times makes us stronger and more alert regarding our surroundings. We find that the thorns or obstacles can become a measure of Faith to get us to the next level in our walk with God.
Sure, the thorns hurt but, we were designed to learn from each experience. I can assure you, God knows perfectly well what He is doing! We may never understand why the thorns had to be there but, God knows. Just like the thorns from the rose bush protected the nest, the thorns can also protect us by detouring our plans towards God's plan.
In our daily living, it's nice to know that God's plan is still perfected even among the thorns.
Psalm 40:5 (Amplified Version)-Many, O Lord my God, are the wonderful works which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us; no one can compare with You! If I should declare and speak of them, they are too many to be numbered.
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