Thank you once again for allowing me to share with you something I believe is so vitally important today. There are so many things happening in this life that we don't always understand. God can take each situation we are facing and turn it completely around for our good. And in those circumstances, we face each day, we can learn a valuable lesson if we will take the time to let God speak to our hearts. God is reaching out to all who will listen. His Holy Spirit is working in the lives of others because you take a stand for Christ. The Bible says that if we are not ashamed of Christ and continue to stand up for Him, great is our reward in heaven. You see, we are accountable for every action we do while on this earth and by those actions and words we are judged. That is why it is so very important for us to read God's Word and pray for His direction for our lives. The Bible also talks about how the Devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Satan's only task is to kill, steal, and destroy as many lives as he possibly can. He doesn't care about anything else except keeping people from coming to know God. The Devil also knows that his days are numbered, and I believe that is why there is so much hate in this world today. You can make a difference! You can be a light to someone else today! God said to not be afraid of the words you need to speak because, He will put into your heart the right words you need to reach out to that person. Take the abilities you have now and each opportunity to be a light to someone else. You will find yourself ministering to your own heart as well. Let God speak to you regarding this lesson today. Most of all, please "Don't Shut the Door on God!
Don't Shut The Door On God!
In these last days we are living in, people are searching for the truth to so many questions. "Does God really exist? Is there a Heaven and a Hell? Are these the last days?" These questions and so many others are being stirred in the hearts of men by God's Holy Spirit. I plead with you today, don't shut the door on your heart to God!
I believe the time is drawing near and before God calls His people home, the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon all mankind. He wants to give, to as many as will receive, the opportunity for eternal salvation. Those who become part of the Lord's church body (also called the bride of Christ in the Bible) will ascend into heaven to be with Christ forever upon His return. There will be a Great Tribulation upon this earth for those who reject Jesus. (1 Thes. 4:16-18)
Those who are not caught up in the rapture (also called in Rev., "the catching away of saints"), will suffer torment and destruction. The Bible says it will be greater than the earth has ever seen or would ever see. During that time, those who still refuse Christ, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire (to be forever tortured and burned) with the Devil and his angels. This final judgment will separate them completely from God into outer darkness (Rev. 20:11-15). This is why God so lovingly and patiently waits for us to choose. We have all been given a free will and God will not push Himself upon us. The Bible teaches, God is long-suffering and wants all men to be saved from what is to come (1 Tim. 2:4). Even in the midst of the Great Tribulation hour, God will still be stirring the hearts of men toward Him (Rev. 7:9,14).
If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior today, He is at the door of your heart knocking and giving you a chance to receive salvation today. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. You do not know what the day may hold. It could be your last chance.
Jesus spent His time among those who were rejected by everyone else. His compassion is new every morning and His grace sustains us at all times. He has given us immeasurable favor and He does not play favorites. What He has done for others, He can and will do for you. It does not matter what you have done in your past. God said He will wash us white as snow and scatter our sins as far as the East is to the West and remember them no more.
Don't be fooled by those who say, "the death of the body is the final end", read again, Rev. 20:11-15). Even death and hell will be cast into the Lake of Fire (which is called the second death). Jesus is calling! He is drawing you unto His Kingdom. Do not turn Him away for earthly pleasures that will only last for a moment in time. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart to live. He is just a spoken word away and your life will never be the same again!
Don't let the door close on you forever! The choice is yours, What will you do with it?
(KJV) Acts 2:21-And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
The Vision of Eternity
by Crickettt
Sitting alone one quiet evening
A vision appeared in my mind
Crowds of people were lifted up
While thousands were still left behind.
Singing and rejoicing was heard in heaven
From those who stood with the Lord
While great weeping and anguish arose from the earth
By those who died with the sword.
"Why Lord, I asked, does this have to be
That man would suffer such pain"
"Because they closed the door to their hearts
And rejected my Holy Name."
Then I looked, and I saw the judgment of God
Fall down upon all of mankind
Life eternal for those who believed
But, damnation for the wicked and blind.
And Jesus spoke these words of truth
To all who will listen and hear
"The door is yet still open
And the gift of life is near".
As the vision neared an ending
My heart cried out to the Lord
Thank you, God for your patience
So that others may not close the door.
This vision my friend is still yet to come
And the Lord will not tarry long
The decision you make to destine life's course
Will be yours, whether right, whether wrong.
...Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15) (KJV)
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