Don't Stop Reaching
(Amplified version) Isaiah 59:1-Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened at all, that it cannot save, not His ear dull with deafness, that it cannot hear.
Psalm 139:10-Even there shall your hand lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
Do you have dreams inside you that maybe never manifested? Are you stuck in a position where you do not know or understand which way to turn to make it happen?
There is hope! God knows everything about those dreams because not only did He create you but, He put those dreams inside you for a purpose. We may go years without realizing exactly what it is He is leading us to do. But, if you will keep following after God and asking Him for direction, He will show you when the time is right for you. Sometimes we get in a hurry and decide we do not want to wait any longer. We try to pick up the pace by acting on our own. When that happens, God will allow us to walk through the decisions we make and wait for us to come back to the place of realization that we moved without Him.
God is a good and loving Father and He promises to always be with us. We may not feel it or see it but, He is there. God does not operate according to our feelings. He operates on His own timing and what He knows is best for us and how He can use it to bring Glory to His Name.
Maybe you are wrestling with what to do and what your purpose is right now. If I could suggest anything to you today, it would be to take time to pray and ask for God to guide you. Step out on the unctions given to you and watch God move. It may be in a totally new direction that you never even thought of before. But, I can tell you this, whatever it is you were destined to do, God will bring it all to pass when you decide to turn your life completely over to Him no matter what the cost may be. He has designed us all to achieve His perfect will. And what He has made you to be, no one else can take that away from you. You were given a unique job that can only be filled by you. If you will be diligent in your search after God and His will, you will see the good God has for you today in the land of the living as He promised in His Word.
Maybe you have been waiting and asking for a long time now, If that is the case, I would suggest you remain patient and wait on God to move. He is never late in answering but, is always on time. Seek God's Word daily in your life. Pray without ceasing as He said and "ask" the Father in Jesus' Name to show you what the next step is.
Sometimes, we wonder "What is taking so long?" God uses our current situation to build up our faith and prepare us for what is to come so that we can be our best for Him. God wants us to stay in His Word and continue to learn so that we are equipped fully for every good work. Then, when oppositions come from the enemy, we can stand knowing that God is on our side and we will fulfill "all" He has made us to be. The enemy would like you to believe something else and will in fact whisper all sorts of thoughts that go against what God has already said about you. The devil wants nothing more than to kill the dreams inside your heart and cause you to become defeated. However, the Bible says, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.
Don't let the struggles of life consume you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and strength and He will bring it all to pass. Stay focused on your dreams. They will manifest when the time is right and when you are ready! Spend this time as a student under the Father learning and growing in your faith. What God has for you will impact many lives. Place what you know before you and move forward in the gifts God has given. Step out of your comfort zone and see God move in a mighty way. It may not be what you expected but, it will bring the greatest results.
Never under estimate mere beginnings. Out of those beginnings is born a lifetime of great work in the Lord.
Don't stop reaching forward...Don't stop trying and testing out the waters to see what it is you are good at. The Bible says, we walk by faith and not by sight. Step out in faith and see the doors begin to open. And remember...."When one door closes, another one opens." Try the doors...then you will find your purpose. God Bless You On Your Journey and Search! ~Crickettt~
(Amplified Version) Colossians 1:11 [We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy.
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