Finding God's Perfect Will
Every Christian and those searching for answers about God are looking to know, "What is God's Perfect Will for my life?" The answer is found deep inside each one of us. When God created mankind, He also placed within us the ability to know Him. Some choose not to know God and walk in darkness. Others choose to know all about Him and desire His perfect Plan and Will for their lives. When you are walking in the light of God, Who, is the Light, there is a deep urge for learning and searching. The only way to find out what God's Will is for your life is by reading His Word and seeking God in prayer.
I want to give you a few scriptures that will help you discover what I am talking about:
Ephesians 5:17, Jeremiah 1:5, Numbers 22: 12-22, Luke 3: 21-22, Psalm 106: 10-15, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 52:12, I Thessalonians 5:18.
The Will of God is found in Jesus Christ. You must first be born again (receive Jesus into your heart) in order to be walking in God's Will. God not only created you but, He had a plan mapped out for you before you were born. His desires are not always the desires we follow at times. And when we step out of God's Will, chaos will come. I have heard so many times over and over "Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?" It is perfectly normal to ask such questions however, we are not God and therefore cannot see the "Big Picture" that lays ahead for each one of us. I do know this, God is still God no matter what and His plan is always perfect whether or not we understand. As far as the question is concerned, there is a devil who roams about seeking whom he may devour. But when Jesus died on that cross, He said, "It is finished." Once and for all death and the grave and every evil work were destroyed. When we can get a hold of the meaning behind Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, only then can we even begin to fathom the depth of God's Great Love for mankind. When we know that God does work out all things for our good, even in rough situations, our Hope is then renewed.
In order to find out His Will for us we must follow the instructions found in Romans 12:1-2 which states, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." To renew your mind means to read God's Word and let it refresh you. His Word is truth and filled with Good Promises. We are to fill our hearts with those things that are good, lovely, pleasing and of a good report. We all have to go through difficult things in our lives but, God has promised us He will refresh us when we come to Him and seek His face and His desires. As we ask, we receive that peace which surpasses all understanding. God is Good....Loving, Gentle, Slow to anger, and Kind! He knows, if we will just get hold of His Word and really put it into our hearts like a seed, water it through prayer and meditation, we will see, and we will know His will for our lives.
God never sends anything our way that is evil. Evil is from the devil. Even in all of God's goodness, and our faith in Him, it does not mean that situations around us will be perfect. We will reach those points in time where we ask God for help to understand and the strength to just make it through another day. It does mean that you will have joy and peace and everything God needs to give you to equip your mind, body and spirit as you continue your walk in Him.
Ephesians 5:17 teaches us that we are to search for Him, know Him, and seek His will. You cannot know God without seeking Him for yourself. Some people rely on receiving a Word of Knowledge or Prophetic Word from someone else about what to do all the time. Instead, they should be going to God on their own and asking God what He says about it. God will tell you exactly what He wants you to do or know if you seek Him with all your heart. That doesn't mean he can't use someone else to get your attention though. He wants you to come to Him. If you do receive a word from someone, it is important that you listen for God's confirmation. He says, "My sheep hear my voice and a stranger's voice they will not follow". You have to know how to discern who is talking to you. The devil uses your mind and God uses your heart and then it flows up to your thinking. Reading and studying and praying is the only way you can learn how to discern. If the word you have been told does not register down deep as being right, "Watch Out!" because the devil can put thoughts in your head to distract you from what God wants to say.
God's Permissive Will steps in when we become hasty and don't want to wait on God. We want to hurry things up a bit so, we take matters into our own hands and convince ourselves this is what God wants. When that happens, God will let us do it but, it will be harder and take much longer for the perfect plan to fall into place. It can also bring along with it a lot of hurt and pain because we chose to step out without God's approval.
God's perfect will brings joy and peace. It never brings chaos. Doors open and doors close. God arranges everything just right and on time. He is never late! Never!
If it is permissive, you have unhappiness and things go wrong no matter how hard you try. Psalm 106:10-15 talks about how soon we forget God's work. We waited not on God, and then stopped praying because we lusted after things of the flesh. He then gave us what we wanted but it brought loss to us.
Numbers 22:10-22 is a perfect example of how permissive will works. I encourage you to go and read it for yourself.
Isaiah 28:16 reminds us that he who believes shall not make haste. Don't make hasty decisions without getting God's o.k. about it in your heart. You should always at all times receive peace in your heart first...that is how you know it is right. If it does not have a good outcome, bring Glory to God or edify and lift up, it is wrong. If you believe God's promises, you will wait on God no matter how long it takes to see it come to pass and be finished!
If you want to hear God talk to you, you have to talk to God. Jesus prayed first then, God spoke. You recognize God's voice as you seek Him. The Bible says His voice is a still, small voice down inside you that rises up in your inner being and then brings that knowing into your thoughts. Just like you can know love but can't explain it, that’s how you know God's voice. His voice and will is full of victory, not defeat. It is full of truth and not deceptive. It never brings confusion and is not hasty. It never condemns or is demanding. When you can learn to seek God for whatever you need answers for in your life, you will hear and know exactly what you are asking for.
God says to draw near to Him, and He will draw near to us. God will not speak to you while you are talking. He speaks when you are silent and are prepared to listen. He knows when you want to hear, and you will know it. God speaks to the Spirit that we are filled with when we choose Jesus as our Lord and Savior into our hearts. It gives God permission to work in us and on our behalf. He (the Holy Spirit of God) is your inner witness. God does speak through (1) situations as well. He can make what you think is right, fall completely apart. It is His way of getting our attention before we fall to deep. He speaks through (2) Circumstances-He causes things to happen where you just can't question it. He will not use the circumstances unless He tells you first and if you're not listening, He will cause something to happen to get your attention. He speaks through (3) Prophetic utterances that will be confirmed by His Word. That means, if you are given a word from someone else as I mentioned earlier, it will have to be in line with God's Word or you need to take a step back and really examine what you have heard before you act upon it.
God's Will is not something difficult that we feel we have to struggle with in order to understand it. It is merely praying, reading our Bibles, listening and acting on what God is saying. If you can take time for God, He will speak, and He will show you what it is He has planned. It will be the greatest journey of a lifetime. Seek Him today...He is waiting! God Bless!
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