God's Plan and the Power of Words
Have you ever asked the question, "What is your plan for me God?" A large number of people would answer "Yes" to that question, while others would have no opinion at all. Inside of every living creature there is a perfect plan...God's Plan. From the very beginning of time, all life was given a purpose to be fulfilled. We may never understand exactly what those plans are but, God knows. There is such a wonderful mystery about the process of life; from the smallest microscopic organism to the greatest creatures ever made. All life fulfills God's perfect plan. Sometimes, we may find ourselves struggling as we search to know exactly what our purpose is. We may pray and ask God to show us, hoping for instant answers. However, God works differently in each individual's life. His timing to make things come to pass is not the same as our timing. He knows what we need and when we need it even before we ask Him. When God places His desire and plan inside us, we will know what it is. We can also trust that God has already equipped us for the journey ahead in order to see His complete purpose fulfilled in our lives.
Sadly, there are so many people lost in despair because they have not come into a knowing or acceptance of who God is and what Jesus did for them on the cross. Jesus' death, burial and resurrection paved the way for God to work directly with them; to give them a Hope and a Future. They do not realize their purpose or understand just how beautiful and unique they are to God. God has planned a wonderful life and eternal life as well for everyone. Unfortunately, because He gave man the ability of 'free will', they've turned against God's truth and listened to the devil and his lies instead. Those negative words from the enemy have attacked and created feelings of worthlessness and deep despair. They think their lives do not matter to anyone else and without God's word in their heart, easily fall victim to the devil's plan which is to kill, steal and destroy them.
Maybe you've been told by others that you will never amount to anything. That is what the devil wants you to believe. The devil wants you to become weak and trodden down so he can get a foothold inside your heart and destroy you with his words. He especially loves more than anything to attack the believers of Christ Jesus hoping we will fall away from our faith and into his trap of destruction. He will do anything it takes and use anyone he can to make that happen. The Bible speaks about the blessings and curses of our words to others. The devil knows all this too. He whispers those lies in your head and also uses others you love or people you know to say those negative words to you. Then, if you allow it, the hurt and bitterness of those negative words or actions can take root and give the devil even more power to keep working against you. The only way to stop him in his tracks is to literally proclaim the Word of God over your life. The Bible teaches us to resist the attacks of the enemy and he will have to flee.
Words can lift up and tear down. They are not a respecter of persons. Hurtful and negative words can actually become the difference between life and death. God's plan is for each person to come into a realization of His great love. He wants us to allow Him to be our Guide, our Father, and Helper. He wants to lead us by His Holy Spirit down the path that is perfect and right for us. When we keep our eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith, the road we travel becomes filled with joy instead of despair. God alone is the answer we need to succeed in every endeavor we take. When we delight in God, He can do a great work within us and promises to hold us up with His right hand.
My prayer for you today is this: As you walk in your journey with God, may you realize how wonderful you are to Him. And, I pray you will find not only your true purpose in life but, the strength to ignore negative words from others along the way. I hope you will keep searching for all God has in store for your life. Let His desires fill you until your joy is made complete in Him and His glory is revealed to others through the love of Jesus Christ His Son. Let the words that come out of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be acceptable unto God. He will always be your rock and firm foundation if you will let Him.
So, the next time someone tries to tear you apart with their words, remember 'Who you are and Who you belong to'.
If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
—Psalm 37:23–24 NKJV
You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
—Psalm 16:11 NKJV
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