God's Word Never Fails
Isaiah 56:11- It is the same with My Word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. (NLT)
There is one thing we can truly count on that will never fail us and it is the Word of God. I once heard someone say, "If God said it, I believe it, so that settles it!" According to the Bible, we can take God at his Word. With His Word, He spoke everything into existence. The Bible also teaches us that God is not a man that He should lie. God cannot lie. There is only truth and love found in God. The Word of God comforts, saves, delivers, restores, heals and prospers. Everything a person could ever want or need to know is found in God's Word if they will only seek it out. God said, within His Word are hidden the mysteries that would be revealed to those who steadfastly seek Him. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding come from studying and putting His Word into action in our daily lives. We are constantly learning and evolving in this journey we call life. Without a blueprint, a house cannot be built correctly. Jesus became the blueprint for us to follow. He walked and taught who God is and what He is all about. Jesus said, "When you see Me, you see the Father." "I speak nothing on my own except what I hear My Father say." When God gave us His Word, He gave us a blueprint to live by. That blueprint became evident when He sent His only Son, Jesus to the earth. Jesus is God in the flesh of a man. He demonstrated over and over how we are to live and walk as believers. Through obedience, we are blessed beyond measure.
It's really sad to think that there are so many lost and confused people who are looking for answers beyond God's Word. Those people are deceived into believing that the answers to their needs lie in the form of witchcraft and sorcery, such as psychic readings, and various forms of satanic rituals. The devil likes nothing better than to mislead people, even Christians, into believing such lies. That is his way of luring them away from God's Word and the Truth. Once the devil gets people away from God and involved in demonic activity, it is harder for them to trust God.
Hebrews 4:12 says, "The Word of God is quick, and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (KJV)
The New Living Translation says, "The Word of God is full of power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are. Nothing in all creation can hide from Him. Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done."
When you examine the above scriptures, you see that God is all knowing and ever present.
The depth of His Word is immeasurable. God's Word is Faith spoken. What God says must come to pass. The Bible says He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. Unlike man, God keeps His promises. He is not moved by our emotions, rather by our obedience in His Word. The Bible teaches us to draw close to God and He will draw close to us. Peter 1:25-"But the Word of the Lord endures forever...."
When the Word of God is mentioned, it is also referring to Jesus Christ. You can see this in John 1, it says..."In the beginning was the Word (Jesus) and the Word (Jesus) was with God and the Word (Jesus) was God." Here you can see that Jesus is the Word of God. Many times, throughout the New Testament Jesus spoke of His being one with the Father and that He never said or did anything without hearing from God about it. In other words, Jesus did exactly what God said and when God said it. He knew that He had to operate as one with God in order to fulfill God's Word. He became the Word in flesh. God's Word always works. If you read the entire New Testament, you will find that God's Word produced exactly what He sent it out to do. He said, "My Word will not return unto Me void." Jesus never once failed at anything he ever said or did because He was always in constant communication with God. Whatever He said happened. Words are very important and very powerful to the pulling down of strongholds, lifting up and even tearing down. Jesus warned us about the words that come out of our mouths and what effect they have on our lives and the lives of others. He said, our words can bless us and curse us because what you say with your mouth comes from within. "For where your treasure is there shall your heart be also."
When we sow negative words, we produce negative actions or results. When we sow positive faith filled words, we produce positive results. Everything Jesus did was an example or guideline for us to follow. Since God's Word never failed back then, you can be assured it will not fail today. It cannot ever fail because God never changes. We have been given some valuable resources that can help us to live victorious lives if we will just take the time to learn and use them properly. God's Word is the one source you do not need to be without. It holds the key to eternal life and to success in the "Here and Now". If God reveals something to you either in a dream, vision, within yourself or through another person; you can be assured it will happen just as He said. If it does not, it was not from God. Remember, the devil is crafty and will try anything to try and confuse you and convince you otherwise. When you receive a Word, it may not happen when you think it should but, it will come to pass in God's timing. God has provided the way for you to have wonderful blessings while here on this earth. It is up to us as individuals to find those promises and believe on them for our own lives. God can take even the coldest of hearts and turn them around through His Word. A person who seeks God's Word diligently will find out about things they never knew before. God will give you an understanding to know what's being said and wisdom to act upon what you've learned.
If you want a successful life, you have to learn the secret. The secret lies within God's Holy Word. The devil even knows the Bible from cover to cover and yet somehow, you would think he would see that he is defeated and destroyed in the end and give up his plot to destroy all of mankind. However, this is not the case, since the devil is the father of all lies, he cannot know or understand truth and he actually thinks he can out-power God. Sometimes, people allow themselves to become so discouraged that they literally blame God for everything that goes wrong in their life. The Bible clearly states that "Every good and perfect gift is from God". We can ourselves, create and allow things to happen through decisions we have made and by our own beliefs and actions. But, let me also say this in response to a question we have all asked, "Why does God let bad things happen to good people". I believe, through different circumstances and losses we face in our lives, God works behind the scene to bring about something good. We cannot see it now but one day, the Bible says all will be revealed. A death of a loved one, maybe a tragic circumstance, etc. All these can bring about a change, whether it is within us or with someone else. God knows everything and He alone knows the reasons why He allows it. What the devil meant to harm us, the Bible says God takes and turns it around for good. That also means that you can't blame the devil for every wrong decision you make either. Our job in life is to do our best to follow God and walk in His way of obedience. In doing so, God promises us He will always draw near to us as we draw near to Him. God's Word is full of Power. When Jesus spoke the Word, Satan and all his demonic forces had to bow down to Him. The Word of God is alive and productive. You can speak God's Word over every circumstance you are faced with. When you feel sad and alone, the Word will comfort you and break the barrier between you and God. When we ignore God's Word, we become separated from God because God and Sin do not mix. Sin is disobedience and cannot be in the presence of God. When we sin against God, we are separated from His presence until we confess the sin and practice to do what pleases God. The Bible teaches that God is long suffering and patient toward us. He waits for us to come to our senses and trust Him for everything. He knows every intention of our hearts and what we are going to say, think and do even before we do it. I once had someone ask me, "If God knows everything before it is going to happen, why then does God not step in and intervene before something bad happens? For one, God is God and we have no right to judge Him or question His reasons behind what He allows and does not allow since we do not see the "Big Picture" and what lies ahead the way God does. Secondly, God gave us free will to choose and He will not step in unless we ask for His help. He will allow us to make those decisions so that we can grow and learn from our mistakes and come to the knowledge that God does not want us to get hurt. He wants us to come to love Him unconditionally, not because of what He gives us, but, because God is worthy of our love and worship. We have to come to the realization that God is the Great I Am, and we are His creation and love Him no matter what we face in our lives. Jesus loved us that much but, what did we do to Him? He wants us to come to the full knowledge of Him through His Word. Paul discovered this truth through his continual search for God and His will. God will reveal His will to us when we are sincere and open to His Word. The greatest teacher is Jesus. He has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us and open our eyes to God's promises so we can see for ourselves all that Jesus was saying all along and trying to get us to understand. We can be encouraged on a daily basis and receive wonderful blessings and be filled with the wisdom of God just by seeking to know, learn and grow spiritually.
There is a passage in Psalm 119 that says, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." God's Word is our light in the dark places in our lives. The places we live in when no one else seems to care or when trouble and despair comes upon us. His Word is Truth and lights the way so we can see clearly like a flashlight through the darkness. His Word sets us free from all bondage and it works. With God nothing is impossible! There are no limits of distance for His Word to work either. And there are no limits with God! The same God who spoke all creation into being is the same loving God who gave us His Word freely and gave us the authority to use it when Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross. In God's Word, we have eternal life and every promise and miracle is still for us today. The Bible says, "If God be for us, who can be against us." "He sent His Word (Jesus) and healed all their diseases." According to what we read in the Bible, miracles are for today and not for just the Biblical days. That is why it is important for us to believe in the Word of God because, it contains the miracles and everything else we need in our lives now. Life is hard enough as it is, we should place all our hopes and dreams upon God and not on the world. The world will fail us, people will let us down but, God's Word will never fail or pass away. God said it will last through all eternity. Give God's Word first place in your life today and see for yourself what God will do for you in return for your obedience toward Him. You will experience God on a whole new level that you have never known before and life will have much more meaning and hope. The mysteries of God's Word are revealed to those who will diligently seek it out. God's Word Never Fails!
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