Grace for the Moment
Give me Grace Lord, for the moment,
Teach me how to follow your ways.
The path of life is hard at times,
Please stay close beside me today.
Let your love shine through the darkness,
Be my light when the road is long.
Help me find what I've been missing,
Give me strength to carry on.
There are times when I feel helpless,
Times I'm lost and all alone.
That's when You come and calm my spirit,
Bringing love I've not been shown.
Give me Grace Lord, through every trial,
Keep me safe within your care.
If I stop and let you help me,
There are no problems I cannot bear.
Guide me on this unknown journey,
Show me Lord which path to take.
While I wait for you to lead me,
A willing heart you'll not forsake.
"Peace be still," I hear you calling,
In the depths of my longing soul.
No matter what may lie before me,
Your Grace will never let me go.
Proverbs 3:34 (NIV)-He mocks proud the mockers but gives grace to the humble.
Ephesians 4:7 (NIV)-But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.
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