Hiding Your Talents
How wonderful you are Oh Lord. Your beauty is seen in everything around us that we take for granted. From the smallest creature to the tallest mountain. All of our words cannot express your greatness.
Your purpose for our lives is bigger than what we can possibly imagine for ourselves. How sad that we have dreams and unctions within but do not act upon them. Instead, we think we are not good enough or who on earth would be interested in what we had to offer. Each person has beautiful gifts and talents to offer this world and make a difference in other lives. However, they look past the majority of those gifts, pack them away and say, "Maybe one day I will....". Time passes by them without fulfilling those dreams. Maybe it's because of insecurities or just the everyday changes of life preventing them from stepping out and trying.
We were not designed to sit back and never use our God given talents. God made us each unique in our own way to reach a variety of people. How will you ever know what you are supposed to do unless you step out and see which doors open and which doors shut? You may say, "That's easier said than done but, you do not know my situation."
Actually, I do know how it is. You see, I have known for a long time that I was driven to use the talents God has given me. My desire to just share with others the things I have learned along the way began to outweigh my fears. I had let years go by thinking I was not good enough or only the well-known people make it in this world. That's not so! God has taught me a lot about life, struggles, joy and sorrow. Others have been given the ability to place on canvas the beauty they see from within. You might be a designer, artist, writer, musician, etc. No matter what hidden talents you have been given, it is up to you to try out those gifts and see where the journey takes you. Maybe you have ideas and are afraid to use them, afraid you might fail or lose money trying. Remember, if it touches or changes just one life, isn't it worth it?
We are moved by our emotions and senses. The different ways in which we see and feel or express ourselves is what becomes real to others. Take that step out of your comfort zone and let God take you beyond what you see for yourself. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 (Message version)-I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
You and I are important to God. He set in motion even before our births His great plan and purpose. Hidden within are the talents we can share. It is what makes us who we are, especially if we use them to honor God. He said that He would not withhold any good thing from us if we will just trust Him.
There is a story in the Bible that I believe fits perfectly regarding our talents. It speaks of Jesus' return in the later days to judge us according to what we did with the talents and abilities He gave us. It is found in Matthew 25:14-29. The verses talk about a Master who is going on a long trip. He calls his servants to him and trusts them with his property. To one he gave five talents (about $5,000), to another two and to another one. Each were given according to his own ability. The master leaves the country and the servant with the five talents, went out at once and traded his talents. In return, he gained five talents more by his investment. The next servant with two talents did the same and gained two additional talents. But the servant who had one talent went and dug a hole and hid it in the ground. After a long time had gone by, the master returned to see what they had done with what he given them. The servant who had five talents gave his master the five talents along with five more and told him, "Because you entrusted me with five talents, I went out and gained five more". The master was pleased and called him a good and faithful servant over the little and now he would entrust the servant with much more. The same was said of the servant who gave the master his two talents plus two more. But, to the servant who had buried his talent out of fear of losing it, approached the master with the one talent. The master was angry with him and called the servant wicked, lazy and idle. He ordered the one talent to be taken from him and given to the servant with 10 talents and said, (verse 29-30 of Amp. Version) "For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will be furnished richly so that he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have will be taken away. And throw that good for nothing servant into outer darkness; there will be weeping and grinding of teeth."
We've been instructed by God to give a 10th of our gross income to God as a tithe to help spread His Word to those who are lost. We become good stewards when we invest what God has given us and use it to increase His Kingdom. We were created to not only take our talents and use them to glorify God, but our biggest mission in life is to use those gifts and talents to change the hearts of man. Jesus said the harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few and we are given the responsibility to reach out to others in our own unique way so that they too will become saved and blessed by using their talents to honor God.
I hope you will realize how important you are and ask God to show you where and how He wants you to use your talents. You can make a difference! Go for it! You have nothing to lose but everything to gain! God will honor your step forward. The Bible teaches us that God orders our steps each day as we walk in faith with Him. When you step forward knowing God is in control of everything, you will gain the courage and confidence to complete His perfect plan for your life.
Then, you will hear the Father say in that final day, (verse21) "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." (ESV)
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