His Love Never Changes
The love of God cannot be measured, nor is it limited. However, mankind tends to place many different limits upon loving others because of fear. The Bible teaches that God is the same yesterday, today and forever; He changes not. He does not change the way He loves us even when we sin against Him. We love until we are hurt and then we stop, give up, and push others away. We change our minds so easily about loving them and yet, Godâs love is never ending. He never gives up on us, He never pushes us to the side, He never leaves us hanging or wondering, âwhat now?â I have often wondered why God doesnât just give up on us sometimes because of our nature to be so careless with love. I am so glad that Godâs love runs much deeper than we can ever comprehend. He values His creation and wants us to love and obey His commandments.
 (NLT)Proverbs 8:17-I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me.
God is waiting for us to come to Him about everything. It is a way of humbling ourselves before God and saying, "We cannot do this alone and need your help". Love is of God and love comes from God because the Bible says, "God is love". His compassion toward us is new every morning. His love never fails or changes.
(NLT)Jeremiah 31:3-I have loved you with an everlasting love:Â Therefore, with loving kindness have I drawn you.
God draws us to Himself in many different ways. It may be through a rough situation or experience weâve faced or maybe just by softly urging us to accept Him and follow His path for our lives. God wants so much to bless us and use us to fulfill His perfect plan while on this earth, but we have to be open and willing to His calling. His love for us is everlasting!
 When we stray away from Him during some point in our lives, God is always there as a loving Father. A perfect example of such love is found in Luke 15:11-The story of the Prodigal son.  Jesus spoke of two sons who were deeply loved by their father and yet, one of the sons was greedy and became restless. He demanded his share of his fatherâs inheritance so he could leave and see what the world had to offer him. His father granted his demand and the son left the only home he had ever known and a father who loved him unconditionally. Needless to say, the son squandered away all of his inheritance. He found himself alone and broke, with no friends and no where to go. He found a job feeding pigs just to eat. He was so hungry one day that he knelt down and began eating with the swine. He stopped and looked at what he had become and began to cry. He decided to return home to beg his father for forgiveness. He would ask his father to let him become a servant because even the servants received good care. The son started on his long journey home. His clothes were all tattered and worn and he was dirty from tending the swine. As he approached his home, his father saw him in the distance while outside working. With tears in his eyes, and great joy in his heart, the father ran to his son with outstretched arms. He gathered his son up into his arms and the son fell to his knees begging for forgiveness. The father ordered the servants to bring his son the very best robe, shoes for his feet and a ring for his finger. He looked upon his son and with great delight and he said, âPrepare a great feast and kill the fatted calf, for my son was once dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.â When the older son came home from the field, he heard all the laughter and joy coming from inside his home. Finding out that his greedy brother had returned and was indeed alive, and seeing the feast given on his behalf, the son became jealous and angry. He approached his father and told him that not once had he ever given him even a small dinner for all his devotion and hard work. Now, his brother had come home after all this time and received the very best from his father. The father expressed his great love for the older son and told him that his brother who was once lost in sin, had returned home and was now given life again. The angry brother cried with sorrow, realizing he was wrong for what he had said to his father and went inside to join in on the celebration.
Jesus, through the use of parables, showed just how loving God is. Even in the midst of all our failures and sins, He is always waiting with outstretched arms for us to return home back to Him. He is there waiting to receive us and give us a new life in Him. His forgiveness goes beyond our capacity to understand. As sinners, we can always count on God to be faithful.Â
The Bible says, when one soul is saved, the angels rejoice and sing in celebration. That alone, suggests how important we are to Him. One glorious day, those who are saved by Godâs grace (unmerited favor) will sit with Jesus at the great feast which is called, âThe Marriage Supper of the Lambâ. At that time, we will know in full, the great love of the Father in Heaven which is never ending.
Matthew 5:44-45 tells us to love our enemies, bless them who curse you, do good to them who hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you, and persecute you; that you may be called children of your Father which is in Heaven: for He makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and unjust. There is no greater honor, next to worshiping God, than to love our fellow man even when we donât feel like it. God wants us to obey his commandment and not our own flesh. By loving others, we reveal Christ to them. Love allows God to use our hearts, minds, and actions so He is glorified in all things. We are constantly learning to grow in the grace of God and knowledge of Him. How can we even contemplate Godâs love if we canât love others?Â
Jesus spoke of the important outcome love can have on the lives of people. The Bible says, âLove covers a multitude of sin.â Also, "Love conquers all". As I try and grasp the full meaning of those scriptures and how they pertain to me, I can actually see how Jesus' love effects my own life. When circumstances beyond my control arise, or trials begin to surface, I know that if I remain in love and forgive others their trespasses against me, God will in turn forgive me of my sins. We are not truly sinning against people but against God and if I cannot forgive, God cannot and will not forgive me. There are laws of God and laws of man. If we choose the laws of God, we will discover the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. But, if we choose the laws of man and the ways of the world, we will fall into an even deeper pit of destruction than ever before. And this pit, will lead to eternal damnation and separation from God.
I charge you today to look deep inside your heart and see if there is anyone whom you have not forgiven, whether they have passed away or are still alive and completely forgive them. Let God release that burden you have carried all these years from off of your shoulders. We cannot make others love us, but we can do what God commands and allow God to take it from there. Then, God will be able to work in and through you to establish your faith so that His love is made perfect within you. The Bible says, âThe Truth of God's Word shall make us freeâ and "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed". This healing process may take time and will not always be easy to go through, but it is well worth the effort in the end. Day by day, you will see the changes take place in your heart and be able to love the way God desires you to love others. And remember, you are not alone for God promises He is always with us and His love never changes.
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