I Am the Good Shepherd
I followed Him through the midst
Not knowing where He'd lead
Yet, in my heart His peace remained
And His Word I would take heed.
He gathered me up so gently
As my feet did start to fall
Then lovingly He reassured me
That on His Name I could call.
No other love can take His place
Or wipe away the tears
For God Himself has been there
Through all the passing years.
He led me to a place of rest
On which to lay my head
Where songs are sung, and praises raised
To God who saved the "dead".
He sat down right beside me
And gently stroked my head
While tears rolled down my cheek
He quietly turned and said.
"Child, Child, why do you weep?"
I am the Good Shepherd
I take care of my sheep
Now, dry away those tears and let me see you smile
For I will be here with you to go that weary mile.
This love I have for you can never be bought or sold
So precious you are to me my child
Much more than the finest gold.
These burdens you bear will last just for a while
So, patience my child, now where is that smile
I am the Good Shepherd and my flock I do keep
Always close beside me for you see I never sleep.
You will overcome those trials
And receive your great reward
I am the Good Shepherd
Jesus Christ your Lord.
It's time now child, and time is all too short
So many there are that need us now before they're called to court
Press on toward the finish and hold your head up high
I am the Good Shepherd and time is drawing nigh.
©Copyright 2019-Crickettt’s Sanctuary/Author- “Crickettt”. All Rights Reserved.
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