I Will Praise You in the Storm
There are storms in our lives that often seem to rise up so unexpectedly. In one split moment, your life can change. Nothing is the same again. Your joy has somehow been stolen away and in its place rushes all these waves of confusion and disbelief. "How did this happen"? "What am I going to do now"? There are so many questions and not enough answers. Life is so uncertain when you are hurting. There is no easy way out. No "if only" and no way to go back and undo what have been done. You find a quiet place to think and cry. Your emotions are building up like a volcano ready to explode any moment. Sometimes, not even a tear will form, because you have become so numb to what has just happened. You take a deep breath and reach down inside for strength. Then, suddenly you sense your spirit crying out to God for help.
I cannot tell you why bad things happen to good people. I cannot even tell you why good people die too soon. But I can tell you this, God is still watching and He is still working. Even when we don't see it, He is there behind the scenes of our lives. His Holy Spirit was sent to be our companion, our comforter and to bring wisdom. We cannot do it alone. It's hard enough just trying to muster up the strength to get through another day.
Sometimes, in our battles and struggles of life, what we can't see is the good that lies in the midst of it all. That may sound crazy, especially if you lose a loved one. We ask God, "What good comes from losing someone I love"? And "What did they ever do to deserve this"? The Bible says, God's ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. What we cannot see or understand, God does see and understands fully. He knows everything from the beginning to the end. Lives are changed through tragedies. As much as it hurts us, God has still made a way for that death to have made a difference in someone’s life. It creates a change in other hearts where maybe a change might not have been possible otherwise. With God, nothing is done in vain. He has the perfect plan and is able to carry it out to the very end. God does not expect us to be "Super Human". He knows very well that we will face many trials and tribulations. That is why he sent Jesus. Jesus is our Hope and our Promise for a brighter tomorrow. The Bible talks about storms that arise and how he wants us to be courageous and steadfast in Him. That means...don't give up on God even when it looks like nothing is going right for you. (Mark 9:22-23)"All things are possible to Him who believes."
Jesus is our "calm before the storm". His love will see us through the darkest moments. The pain does not go away over night, but it is true that time does heal wounds. God gave us a key into the mystery of His Word. He said to "Praise" Him even in the storms. Praise and Worship gets God's attention. When King David was in the middle of his own battles, he lifted up his voice in praise to God for what he was going through and thanked God for bringing him out safely. The battle was still there, and people were still trying to kill him but, David knew the key to God was Praise. Praise is our faith being put into action. David was seeing himself victorious and not defeated. God gave David favor and brought him out safely through those battles because David chose to trust God with everything.
When the people of Israel were fighting the battle at Jericho, the only thing between them and winning was a huge wall. In the natural, the people could not see how they would ever win because the wall was so high. God told Joshua to have the people march around the walls 7 times shouting in Praise to God and blow their trumpets in victory. When they did what God said, the walls fell, and they defeated the enemy and won.
What am I saying? I am saying that when things happen to us, when people we love die, when circumstances arise, it is not the time to throw down the weapons of Faith, tuck in our tails and walk away wounded and defeated like it's over! That is when God says to get up, Praise Him for the victory. Believe that something will change for the good. You won't go out defeated. You will win in Christ Jesus. The Bible says for us to praise Him....and see what He will do. Faith comes from doing something out of the ordinary into seeing the extraordinary.
God knows we hurt and grieve for what we cannot change. And Praise gives us the willpower to say, "God, I am hurting, and I don't know what to do. I trust you and I believe that something good will come out of all this. I am depending on you to take this and let your perfect plan be done. No matter what, I will still praise you. Even in the tears and all the pain, I will love you. I know that you are God and you are worthy of all my praise."
That storm in your life may carry heavy winds that beat upon your heart every day. You may feel tossed to and fro but, God wants you to know he is right there. Just give him praise and see what He will do.
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