My Refuge
Psalm 62:5-8-Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.
Are you walking in a valley right now? Does it seem so difficult that you feel defeated and alone? God said in his Word, (Matt. 11:28-30) "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden (heavily burdened) and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I Am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light."
God is not the cause of our pains and trials. He is the answer! Sometimes, it feels like a door has shut in my face, leaving me in a dark place, lost and alone. I empty myself out to God in tears and cry...."When God, when will this pass? Help me pick myself up off the floor and regain my strength so I can stand boldly before your throne of Grace." You see, God has not forgotten you or me. He is always hearing, always seeing, always loving and always caring. In my darkest moments, He is there. I can feel him in the wind, I see him in everything around me. I may not always understand all the why’s and I may even ask him why...but, that does not mean I have lost my faith in God. Jesus knew and still knows our pain and suffering. He once stood in our place and suffered more than any man will ever suffer. He knows what we are going through. That is why the Bible says, in our weakness, Jesus is made strong in us. He is my refuge. In troubling times, that is not when you run away from God, that is when you run to God with everything you have inside of you. He will be a rock to you in the storm and He will bring the calm when the storm is raging out of control. The enemy would like you to think it is over! God says, "No"! Nothing is over while God is in control. We go through seasons in our life. Some seasons pass by quickly with great joy and contentment. But others, bring much sorrow and pain. God said He will never leave us or forsake us. I have been going through a rough storm in my life right now. But I know who holds tomorrow and even in my darkest moments, when it seems impossible, I am reminded that God is here with me. I will come out of this storm Victorious with joy unspeakable and full of Glory! I run to God as my shelter, my refuge from the storm, my rock that holds me on a solid foundation and gives me His promise for each new day.
I want to share something with you that happened to me a few days ago. I feel impressed by God in my spirit that someone here needs this too just as much as I did. I hope it will speak to you and make a difference.
I was sitting in my car and talking to God as I usually do. We had been having a lot of bad weather and it was still very dark and dreary that day. As I sat there, I told God that I would not give up and He would always be the Lord of my life no matter what I was facing. I told Him that I would still love Him and believe in Him even during this storm in my life. I knew it would all be o.k. in God's timing and that God would bring something good from this soon. As I was talking, God interrupted me and said, "Look up into the sky and tell me what you see?" I answered back and said, "It looks like another stormy day, Lord." He said, "Child, look again." Just then, some clouds parted away and the rays from the sun began to peek through...all the storm clouds suddenly picked up speed and blew quickly away and the sun was now shining in place of the rainy day. I was so amazed at what just happened. Then, God said again, "Now, what do you see?" I said, "It's not stormy looking anymore God; it is now a sunny day." Then God said, "My child, the storms in your life are like these storm clouds. They are here for a moment in time and yet, they quickly pass by. I tell you today, this storm you are facing right now, it too shall pass and the sun will shine once again in your life and bring you joy. Only believe and stand firm on my Word and what I have said."
God gave me the greatest hope that day and I have not forgotten it. It has renewed my strength and I will not walk away from this empty handed. I may cry at times because I am human or go through periods of sadness but, I choose to believe God's report despite everything that is happening around me. The Bible tells us, if God be for us, who can be against us. The enemy cannot win no matter what report you see or hear. Maybe you are going through a storm in your life today too. Run to God, let him be your refuge! Most of all, remember, God is not finished....this storm in your too shall pass and you will come out of it stronger and better equipped to face what comes next. God is still in control. I like the words in the song by Mercy Me, it says, "Hold on help is on the way." Never give up on today, you cannot see the good that God has planned for your tomorrow.
God Bless You and Stay Strong, He is your refuge.
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