Picking Up the Pieces!
One day I was walking through my kitchen carrying a glass jar. I wasn't paying attention to the dog toys that lay there on the floor. As my foot came down on top of the toy, I lost my balance and the jar quickly slid from my hands. The jar crashed on the floor and pieces of glass went everywhere. I had to sweep and vacuum up all the broken pieces from off the floor so, no one would step on them and get cut. I hoped that I had cleaned up all the pieces and that none were still missing.
I stopped for a moment as I heard God speak to my heart and say, "Your life is like this broken jar, you are a vessel for My Glory, and I have filled you with everything you need to survive. Sometimes, my child, you get too caught up in life's moments or things do not always go as you had hoped or planned. You become discouraged and angry and walk away broken hearted. Life as you know it comes crashing down at your feet. You are left with a shattered heart and great despair. You do not see beyond the hurt and pain for it has blocked My Word in your heart. I am still here and I am picking up the pieces of your life once again and gluing each part back together with My love for you. The pieces come in all shapes and sizes. Some are large and some are too tiny to see but, each one belongs to you and I will make sure that they are placed perfectly back together. You are not alone as you may often feel at times. Though life has seemed unfair and you do not fully understand what I am doing, I am here waiting, watching you grieve, and I will restore back into you that hope you feel is gone."
I stood there numb because everything God said to me was true. I had carried so many burdens and disappoints for such a long time that the pieces of my life had become scattered and missing. However, God is faithful, and He knew already where each piece was and where it needed to go in order to bring me back to the place I so needed to be. What took me several minutes of my time literally cleaning up the mess that I had made with the jar, God in an instant had shown me the mess in my life I still carried and how He can put the pieces back in place if I would let Him .
I took for granted all the things I had let build up over the years thinking I could just put them all aside and go on. God revealed to me in that moment how the brokenness I still carried needed to be repaired and not ignored.
How very thankful I was for dropping that jar because through one simple mistake, I learned a valuable lesson for the rest of my life.
God is always here for us, picking up the pieces. There is absolutely No mess too big for Him to clean up in our lives. Let God pick up the pieces of your life today! He loves you!
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