Promise Keeper
Psalm 12:6 (Amp)-The words and promises of The Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times over.
2 Peter 3:9 (Amp)-The Lord does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what He promises, according to some people's conception of slowness, but He is long suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance.
What does it mean to keep a promise? The dictionary defines a promise as, a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc., by one. It is also an express assurance on which expectation is to be based.
When someone makes a promise, they are reassuring others that they can trust them to keep their word. Unfortunately, there are those who do not keep their promises and in return develop a negative reputation with others. People who routinely break promises cannot be trusted. Sometimes, we make promises with good intentions on fulfilling them but, something happens and causes us to not be able to keep that commitment. Does that make us untrustworthy? Not if we take out the time to explain what went wrong and try our best to keep that promise. Sadly, there are also those who will lie about a promise in order to get out of a situation.
Throughout the entire Bible, God has shown and proven that His promises are True and Just and never disappoint. He has stated, the words He speaks, and the promises made in His Word, are completely fulfilled. God knows the hearts of mankind, and He is patient with us regarding our trust in Him.
Reading the Old Testament and seeing the fulfillments concerning Jesus in the New Testament, proves God is true to all His promises.
God is a promise keeper. He says, His word never fails, and it is from everlasting to everlasting. If the promises mentioned in the Bible did not show proof of fulfillment, it would be hard to believe the rest. God orchestrated everything from the very beginning of time. He has even promised blessings to those who will trust in Him and in His Word. A promise keeper will not disappoint you. A promise keeper is faithful to complete what they said they would do. Promises should never be made if there is no intention of keeping them. Lack of faith in someone's promises leads to unbelief and mistrust. Jesus is the Ultimate Promise Keeper. Not only did He promise His disciples what was going to happen to Him but, He fulfilled it to the very end. Jesus' promise brought eternal life for all who will believe on Him and the work He finished on the cross. His promises stand true today as prophecy has been fulfilled and is still being fulfilled.
Are you a promise keeper? Can others trust you to keep your word? Can God trust you to keep your word and share His Word so others can believe and be saved? If not, as you read and study your Bible, let God's love and His Word fill your hearts and minds with truth so, you can be changed to be a promise keeper. Then, you will be able to teach others what you have learned about the Promises of God.
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