Promise of Peace
 II Thes. 3:16-Now may the Lord of Peace Himself grant you His Peace (the peace of His Kingdom) at all times and in all ways [under all circumstances and conditions, whatever comes]. The Lord [be] with you all. (Amplified Bible)
 We go through hardships and ask, âWhy me?â.  There is a never-ending search for answers, and it seems all we find is more confusion.  I discovered when my mother, father and brother died, that life is not always fair.  Everything is constantly changing whether we want it to or not.  Emotional battles rage on the inside of us constantly and we are left feeling hopelessly defeated and alone.  I realized that in all of my everyday battles, I could not face all of the confusion and pain on my own.  I did not have the answers I needed, and I sure couldnât solve the problem without help.  In a child-like manner, I called out to God to help me through it all and give me the answers I so desperately wanted.  To my amazement, God became so real to me and my whole perspective changed, and I began to see things differently in order to get through just one day at a time.  God has promised to be with us.  He did not promise us we wouldnât have problems. He said, in John 14:27- âPeace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid.â
God and only God can give to us a supernatural peace which goes beyond our comprehension or understanding.  This supernatural peace enables us to go on day by day.  God tells us to take up our cross and follow him (lay down our burdens daily) because, He knows that with each new day, there arise new problems.  The Bible says that God never changes and that He commands His love upon us (sinners) each day.  When we look at Jesus and how He lived his life, we can see what great love He loved us with.  Here is God, incarnated into a fleshly being who experienced life as you and I know it to be.  He suffered persecution, bodily mutilation, rejection from others (including his own people and family), betrayed by His own friends (the disciples), and experienced a horrible death. âWhyâ?  Jesus saw and knew about everything that would happen throughout eternity.  He saw you and me and knew this was the only way to free us.  He knew what his death would accomplish on the cross.  It would give us the opportunity to have eternal life, and Death would no longer be in control.  God allowed his Son to pay the ultimate price for you and me.  Our problems went with Him that day on the cross.  As they beat Him severely, jabbed a crown of thorns into His skull, literally yanked His beard from His face, spit on Him and mocked Him, split His back and chest open with a whip containing razor sharp objects tied to the ends, nailed His hands and feet with large spikes, and then they took a sword and stabbed Him in the side while His blood and bodily fluids poured out to the ground below.  Jesus was an innocent man who knew no sin.  He taught of only goodness and love.  He spoke of truth and how our lives could be changed if we would just obey God.  His purpose was to save the world from all its sins.  He didnât have to do it.  He could have called thousands upon ten thousand of angels to come and rescue Him from the cross and destroy all of mankind but, He didnât.  He saw you and He saw me that dark day and we were on His mind.  We were the reasons why He chose to die so horribly.  He wanted to set us free from the bondage Satan had over us.  The Bible says, on the cross He bore our sins and shame upon Himself and by His stripes we were healed.  Jesus became sin and yet He was sinless.  And for that one moment, God turned His face away because Jesus had become sin as He carried all of our sins, sickness and diseases upon Himself.  That is why Jesus cried out, âAbba Father, why have you forsaken me?â.  However, the greatest miracle was still yet to come!  For when they buried Jesus, He did not remain in that grave. He arose!  On the third day He arose and defeated death, hell and the grave forever! Jesus is alive today fighting each battle for us and reminding us, âFear not my child, for I have conquered the world already for you, just have faith, and only believe.â The Bible teaches us that if we have faith as small as a grain of mustard seed, we can speak unto the mountains of problems to be removed and they will be cast away forever into the sea.  And the Peace of God which surpasses all understanding shall keep our hearts and sustain us.
Jesus became victorious that day and Satan was defeated!  The devil would like you to think otherwise. He is still going forth as a roaring lion seeking whoever he can to destroy and devour them.  He wants to control all of mankind but, God will not allow it.  God accomplished that with Jesus.  So now, as you are looking at the situations around you, just remember that there is someone who really cares and truly understands what you are going through. He deeply and unconditionally loves you just where you are in your life today. Like you, He suffered much pain and persecution.  Like you, He has walked through the fire and has known what it is like to be lonely and cast aside.  He is waiting for you to just call out His NameâŠto let Him become Lord of your life.  He wants to be strength for you when you are weak and fill you with His perfect peace.  He wants to give you a Hope and let you know that He will never leave you or forsake you.  Everything in the past is past.  Today is new!  I hope you will examine your life today and realize you canât do this alone.  Nothing else matters, He wants to take you just as you are right now and make you brand new.  He is the only one who can!  The Bible says, apart from God we can do nothing but, with God we can do all things.  I ask you to bow your head and humble yourself before Him today in prayer.  He has promised to save you with his Word if you will: First, acknowledge God as the Creator and Lord.  Second, Believe, that Jesus Christ is the Son of the one true living God, and that He came and died and now lives that you may have eternal life through Him.  Third, confess your sins before God and ask Him to forgive you and make you a new person.  He has promised to remove your sins as far as the East is to the West and remember them no more.  Fourth, now ask Jesus to come into your heart and become the Lord of your life.  He will change you!  God made it so simple to come to him; He said even a little child can understand.
From now on, all your circumstances and problems fall upon Godâs shoulders and He will be there to carry you through it.  There is a special poem I love so much that talks about how in our darkest moments, when we saw only one set of footprints in the sand, it was then that Jesus was carrying us. Now it is up to you to read Godâs Word and learn from Him, grow in Him, and establish yourself in becoming the best âyouâ in God.  He will send His Holy Spirit into your heart to live and teach, guide, comfort and instruct you in all things. Let God do a work in your life today. Allow all the trials that will still come your way, become a lesson through faith.  God wants to be a light for you in your tunnel of darkness and confusion.  His Peace will sustain you and by His Grace you are made whole. Â
God bless you today and âGo in Peaceâ knowing God is always there watching and waiting.
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