While the trees are being trimmed in all their splendor, while songs from merry hearts are sounding all around; families are gathered together to share a special time of love and giving. Christmas is a joyous time of the year filled with the spirit of peace, joy, laughter and fellowship. What is this celebration really about? And who are we honoring during the holiday season? Among the shimmering glitter, tinsel and stockings, Santa and sleigh bells, lies a story more precious than gold.
Remembering Jesus (Luke 2:1-16)
I remember you Jesus
On this your special day
Just a tiny innocent baby
In a manger where you lay.
With cattle all around you
And shepherds from afar
Kneeling with the wise men
Who followed the same bright star.
As the wise men laid before you
Gifts of Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh
I can't help Lord but wonder
If they realized who you were.
Or the reason why you came here
And the price that you would pay
So we could all live with you
One grand and glorious day.
The angels declared your entrance
And all of heaven did sing
Glory to God in the highest
And to Jesus Christ our King.
Just a tiny little baby
Born one very special night
To save the world of all its sins
And be a guiding light.
You left your home in glory
To take the form of man
Knowing your destiny on the cross
Would finish the Father's plan.
Still, I remember you Jesus
And all the words you've said
While traveling this earth among us
God's love is what you spread.
An example of a servant
Is the life that you once led
Words of living water
To all is what you fed.
Freely you give salvation
To all who will receive
A promise of life eternal
To those who will believe.
I remember you Jesus
On that dark and stormy day
Upon the cross at Calvary
You carried our sins away.
So many were those who mocked you
Cursed and slandered your name
Denying the only Son of God
And placing on you their blame.
I remember you Jesus
And the blood that you once shed
For the babe who was born in the manger
In love, gave His own life instead.
And now the stable is empty
The manger is gone where you lay
But the knowledge of our living Savior
Is within us through each passing day.
May the love and peace of Jesus Christ be with you throughout the coming year and always!
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