Step by Step
Step by step, I follow where you lead.
Each day is a monumental blessing.
How do I behold your face Oh, Lord?
What can I offer you for the Grace I've received?
If I could but look upon your Holy Face.
To stand beside you and physically hold your hand.
You have been with me through all these passing years.
My heart has failed me at times, but you are faithful.
I will offer you my praise and my worship.
But You deserve so much more Father.
Here I am, giving my all to you today.
Take what you will and transform me into your desire.
How do I begin to say "thank you" for all you've done?
No words could ever be enough.
I stand in awe of you each day.
Amazed by your loving presence.
Your gifts are throughout eternity.
I cannot possibly understand all that you are.
Just knowing you love me is enough.
I may fall sometimes but you always lift me up again.
Great and merciful are you Oh, God.
One day I will stand before you and see you face to face.
Then, I will know what real love is all about.
Until that day, may I always be pleasing in your site.
Hear my heart's cry as I call out to you.
So many are lost and dying without knowing you.
Let me be a voice to as many as you will send my way.
Give me courage to stand and face what lies ahead.
I give you my heart, soul and mind.
I lift you up and glorify your Holy Name.
I will never forget the change you have made in me.
My life will never be the same again.
And so, I will follow you step by step.
Deuteronomy 4:29- (NIV)-But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
I Chronicles 16:11-(NIV)-Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
Psalm 37:23 (NIV)-The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.
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