The Story of the Sparrow

The Story of the Sparrow


The Story of the Sparrow


I followed you along the road

The path was long and narrow

And as we walked that weary mile

I focused on a sparrow.


Tell me the story Dear Lord, I said

About this marvelous bird

For I have read it quite often

While studying in your word.


Come here my child, sit down beside me

And listen to what I say

For you see, that little sparrow

Will never lose his way.


He doesn't have to worry

Of where he'll make his home

Yes, he is taken care of

No matter where he roams.


His body's covered and he's fed

By one who loves him so

The Sparrow finds his treasure

While searching as he goes.


Remember the words that I have said

Seek and you shall find

Knock and the door will be opened

Unto you every time.


There's a message in this story

That will help you through each day

For I am always with you

And I'll provide the way.


So, like the little sparrow

God watches over all

To guard and always keep you

Lest your foot should fall.


Do not worry or ever wonder

Of what tomorrow may hold

God will never forget you

For He takes care of His fold.


Luke 12:7-But (even) the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be struck with fear or seized with alarm; you are of greater worth than many sparrows.


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