The Time is Now
Psalm 32:6 (TLB)-Now I say that each believer should confess his sins to God when he is aware of them, while there is still time to be forgiven. Judgment will not touch him if he does.
Joel 2:12-13 (TLB)-That is why the Lord says, "Turn to me now, while there is still time. Give me all your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, mourning. Let your remorse tear at your hearts and not your garments. "Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful. He is not easily angered; he is full of kindness and anxious not to punish you.
Romans 13:11-14 (TLB)-Another reason for right living is this: you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for the coming of the Lord is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is far gone, the day of his return will soon be here. So quit the evil deeds of darkness and put on the armor of right living, as we who live in the daylight should! Be decent and true in everything you do so that all can approve your behavior. Don't spend your time in wild parties and getting drunk or in adultery and lust or fighting or jealousy. But ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help you live as you should, and don't make plans to enjoy evil.
Look around you today...Do you see all the changes? Can't you see how very near we are to the Lord's return? Everything that was prophesied in the Bible is being fulfilled. Nations are rising up against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms. The earth is crying out in birth pains preparing for the final times ahead. Record breaking catastrophes are occurring in divers’ places just as the Bible has said. We are truly living in the last days. Are you ready? Have you examined your heart or your life? If Jesus appeared right now, would you know without a shadow of a doubt where you would spend eternity? The devil (the enemy) is working overtime because he knows that his time is short. He is creating as much evil and chaos as possible, trying to strip away from God what He loves the most...Us...His Children....His Creation! Jesus is revealing Himself to those who will ask. He wants all to be saved from the wrath that is to come. He does not want anyone to perish. We were created with wills of our own to choose and make decisions. Unfortunately, there will be many who will refuse God's urging and they will follow after the evil one. Following after sin and darkness will lead to eternal damnation. Once the opportunity has been offered and then refused, there is no second chance when Jesus returns suddenly. Now! Right now, is the time, while the Lord is still near and hears and answers those who humbly cry out to Him with a broken spirit and contrite heart. His mercy is new every morning. He is patient and still waiting for as many people as will come to confess their sins before Him and ask for forgiveness. The Bible is simple and clear...Believe on the Lord....that He is the living Son of God....that He died for your sins so that you might receive Him as your personal Lord and Savior.....that He was raised from the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father/God.....that He is coming again to take His children (those who believe and have received Him as Lord and Savior into their hearts) with Him to Heaven forever!....Now, if you believe and receive all this, you will be saved! "Whom the Son sets Free (from all sin) is Free indeed!"
It saddens me so greatly to know that so many people will reject Him and follow after evil deceiving spirits/demons. They will be forever separated from the one true living God/Jehovah. During the final judgment, they will be cast into outer darkness (the lake of fire and brimstone) which is prepared for the devil and his demons, the false prophet, and the antichrist who have all deceived them. There will be great weeping and gnashing of teeth. They will suffer eternally without end.
Now, is the time to search out the Lord....Now, while He can be found! Now, while He is near...Now, while He is still calling out your name to "Come". We are not guaranteed tomorrow, we only have today! Do not put off until tomorrow what you need to do today. For very soon, that time of judgement will come, and all decisions will be final. There will be no turning back and no more time.
God will suddenly sound His trumpet and with a shout, tell His Son, Jesus to go and get His children (those who believe and have received Him in their hearts) for the wrath of the Lord will be poured out upon all the wicked.
The Bible explains all this in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3(TLB)-When is all this going to happen? I really don't need to say anything about that, dear brothers. For you know perfectly well that no one knows. That day of the Lord will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. When the people are saying, "All is well; everything is quiet and peaceful"-then, all of a sudden disaster will fall upon them as suddenly as a woman's birth pains begin when her child is born. And these people will not be able to get away anywhere-there will be no place to hide.
To all who will listen...I tell you the truth...Now is the time! The Lord is calling you out by name. Open your hearts and your ears today to hear what His Spirit is speaking to you. Receive the truth of His Son, Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach and be saved. There is no other way to God the Father except through Jesus Christ His Son. The Bible says Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus loves you just the way you are today! He will forgive you of all your sins, no matter what they are and remember them no more. However, you must confess them before God and ask Jesus to come live in your heart. Once you do, His Holy Spirit will come and dwell in your heart to help you learn (as you read and study the Bible), grow in the knowledge of Jesus and change into the person God intended you to be from the very beginning before you allowed sin to enter and take control. You will then be free and victorious in Jesus and nothing can separate you from God or His great love for you as long as you walk in obedience to His Word and live your life accordingly. Every bondage will be broken, and the joy of the Lord will fill your very soul because of His great love for you. God's unconditional love will replace all the burdens and pain you've carried from your past. The Bible promises you are now a new creation in God...All the old things have passed away and all things are now made new in you. Jesus paid the ultimate price for you by sacrificing His own life on the cross so you could have all this freedom and so much more!
*I pray you will call out to Him today in earnest prayer and ask Jesus to reveal His truth to you because, that Time is NOW!
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