The Weary Soldier

The Weary Soldier


The Weary Soldier


Dressed in all his armor

The weary soldier goes to battle

His heart which once was strengthened

Has now fallen in hopeless despair.


The battle rages all around him

And the weary soldier cries out in fear

Is there anyone to hear his pain

Or comfort his sorrow in the night?


Suddenly, in the midst of the war

A voice as loud as thunder

Rings in his ears with loving compassion

And the weary soldier is drawn to hope.


Gently, the weary soldier is reassured

And he realizes this mighty voice of wisdom

Is the heart of God reaching out to him in love

His heart no longer feels the agony of defeat.


The weary soldier's strength is renewed as the eagle

He mounts up with great boldness

Turns unto the battle to face the enemy

Knowing God has given him the victory

And the weary soldier wins again.


(King James) Phil. 4:13- I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.


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