These are the Words I Would Say
I thought about what I could say today that would really make a difference in someone's heart. I know that life brings many challenges and it also brings much joy. There is hope in knowing God and his will for our lives. He manifests himself in our daily lives in different ways. His love is found in a newborn baby's cry or in the beauty of all creation. He works in wonderfully, mysterious ways.
He works in our lives!
Jesus brings true hope to those who have given up. He restores new life to those broken and lost. He reaches out to those whose walk with God is not the same as it used to be. If someone came up to me and wanted to know "How do I become saved?" I would tell them to just humble their hearts before the Lord knowing that He will hear them. Then, they must confess their sins before God and ask Jesus to come into their heart. We never know when our last day of life is done. We have friends and family who do not know God...This simple prayer is all it takes. If you are reading this today and you are not saved, I ask you to read this prayer aloud from your heart. The Bible says, "All those who call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved." The Bible also says, "It is God's will that none should perish".
I pray, you will truly hear the words of this prayer and know......God is still on His throne! Watching you! Reaching out to you! Most of all, He Is Loving You Just Where You Are Today! "These are the words I would say!"
"Say this simple prayer aloud"
Dear God,
I know that I am a sinner. I come to you today Father, and I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. I acknowledge that you are God and I believe that you sent your Son, Jesus to die on a cross for my sins. I believe that Jesus arose from the dead and that He is alive forever more. I ask you Lord Jesus, to come into my heart and live forever in me. I dedicate my life from this day forward to you today and ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit. Create in me a new life. Thank you, God for the free gift of salvation so that I am clean from all my sins. Teach me and guide me. Use my life for your glory today.
Thank you, God that I now belong to you! In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen
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