Through Thick and Thin
 I know youâve heard the phrase... "Iâll be with you through thick and thin". If a friend tells you that, you believe them. If they are truly a close friend and you trust them enough; you know they will be there if you ever need them. But, what if God tells you that? Are you truly willing to take it to heart and know without a shadow of a doubt He will do exactly what He said? When troubles come, can you still believe it? Do you have enough faith in God, or do you waver when things are not going quite the way you hoped it would? When you are established in true Faith in God, you will be able to remain strong in Him no matter what comes your way. You will run to Him and not from Him. Those who do not remain in Godâs Word are weak and the enemy knows exactly when and where to strike them. He is crafty and ready to kill, steal and destroy all those who have fallen by the wayside with their faith. Jesus paid that price already over 2,000 years ago. He knew how we are, and the difficulty involved in faithfully following God. Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for us so we could be called the righteousness of God in Christ. We have all at some point in time drifted or gotten caught up in our daily lives so much that God and His Word was pushed aside until trouble came our way. The Bible talks about being in doubt and not trusting God âthrough thick and thinâ.
The Bible says, in Isaiah 53:6 (NIV)-We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.Â
Ephesians 4:14 (NIV)-Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.
God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Itâs so easy to believe God will never leave us when we are happy, and all is well. However, you let one trial come along or maybe even the desire for something materialistic and that faith we thought we had, just went out the window. Now, all of a sudden God seems far away from us. We start asking, âAre you there, God?â âDo you see what Iâm going through?â In all our trials, He never left us; in fact, we are the ones who left Him. Doubt creeps in at our weakest moments and we are like a boat tossed on the waves regarding our trust in God over our situations. He still loves the same, still remains the same, but we canât seem to see it. The chaos and confusion have blinded our eyes. The pain we are experiencing is real. It is overwhelming at times...too much to bear alone.Â
We praise God for everything that goes right in our lives and with the same breath; we blame Him for all the wrong. How can we be such hypocrites and say we are believers? The Bible talks about guarding your heart and putting a watch on your lips. The tongue has the power to bless and curse your own destiny. If we can call God our friend, we must believe that indeed He is a true friend and will never leave nor forsake us. He will be there always, âthrough thick and thinâ. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:24(ESV)- A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Iâd like to think that as Godâs friend, I can run to Him and tell Him about all my joys, sorrows, and troubles without condemnation and judgment. He wants that for us. He desires a real relationship with us daily; not just when we feel like it or need Him. If you have a true relationship with a friend, you would not just speak to them on occasions and rarely visit. No, if you have a true best friend, you share with them your deepest secrets knowing they understand you. God is the same way. He longs for us to come share our deepest thoughts and needs with Him. He knows about it all anyway but, part of the practice of growing in your faith and trust in Him is sharing your life with God. We are not supposed to put our trust in man but on God. Man can fail us but, God can never fail us. That is a promise in His Word.
Jesus spoke about being our friends in John 15:15 (NIV)-I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his masterâs business instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
Revelation 3:20-Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
I encourage you to start today and spend at least 5 minutes of your time and talk to God about your day. Then, before you know it, you will find yourself talking throughout the day because you have become true friends. God is always your friend. Will you be His, âthrough thick and thinâ?
©Copyright 2019-Cricketttâs Sanctuary/Author- âCricketttâ. All Rights Reserved. All written materials in personal blogs, websites or network pages cannot be used, reproduced, copied to a CD, sold and distributed or altered in any way without permission from the owner. Thanks for your cooperation and God Bless.