What's Next, When God Seems to Say, "No"?
By: Crickettt
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Have you ever put your trust in God concerning something in particular only to see it disappear right before your eyes? You walked in faith, believed that God can do the impossible, and stood your ground with His Word. Then, after all that standing, you get down to the wire of your personal timeline and suddenly it's over!
Something else or someone came along and stole your dream right out from under you. You are left devastated and feeling abandoned by God. You start to wonder what went wrong or did you believe correctly. Where did you miss it? And why was your faith seemingly not enough for God to answer? So many, many questions bombard your mind to the point of despair. The feeling of emptiness, rejection, and abandonment starts to creep inside. Then, anger slowly raises its ugly face to accuse God of not hearing your heart and letting you down. Now what?
What's left to do? Do you stop dreaming or praying for miracles? Do you stop believing in what matters to you? No! Absolutely Not!
The devil would love more than anything to make you feel your dreams do not matter to God. He would want you to believe that you're dreams, and your prayers were not important enough to God. Anything negative that goes against God’s Word is from the enemy, Satan.
It is true, our feelings will be affected in the whole process, but God truly has a bigger plan.
I went through an ordeal once that devastated me and really put my faith out there for re-evaluation. "Did I do all the right things?" "Where did I miss it?" I thought I heard God correctly. I thought that I had taken all the right steps forward and it seemed as if everything was continuing to fall into place. Then, "Boom!" Just as quickly as I had seen it all coming within my grasp, it disappeared. One road block suddenly appeared and removed that dream totally from before my very eyes. Everything I had stood on: my dreams, my hopes, my prayers; all of it was gone just like that! I was crushed! I began to entertain all the negative stuff rising up inside me. I knew those feelings and emotions were not from God. I knew that the devil was having a field day with my emotions and was whispering all kinds of lies inside my head! I was hurting and confused. I kept questioning God, "Why?" "What did I do wrong?"
For one split moment, I felt as if God had ignored my heart’s desire and the petitions I had placed before him in prayer. I saw myself defeated instead of victorious in Christ. I let the devil almost convince me I was not important enough to God and my desires did not matter to Him. I wallowed in my "Pity-Party" until I could not do it any longer.
Finally, I stopped! I realized, I needed to find answers to the hurt and confusion I was going through. I opened up a Bible app on my phone called, "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. There, right in front of me was a reminder about how God takes all our trials and adversities and uses them to refine us to be stronger in Him. Like gold is refined in the fire, He allows us to be refined through every difficult situation and trial. I began to see that I had allowed those desires to become an idol in my life. They had taken up so much of my time physically and emotionally as I prepared for that dream to come to pass. I was not letting God fill me with His desires for my life. I was so busy focused on what I wanted instead of asking God, "Is this what you want me to have?" I let my emotions get the best of me and now I was paying the price dearly.
God did not put my dreams aside. He was only watching over me to keep me in check with His will for my life. He was protecting me from making a huge mistake that might literally hurt me in the long run. Although I could not see it, nor understand God's reasoning behind all my disappointments, I knew God was lovingly trying to help me. I am a firm believer that, "When one door closes, another door opens". However, in those moments, I had let my disappointment get the best of me and I felt so ashamed. Somewhere in all this, God had another plan. I know I heard God correctly the first time when He told me to prepare. It had to be in His timing and not in mine. God had shown me a valuable lesson that reminded me of a Word in scripture which says, "Man makes his plans, but God directs his steps". How very true that is. I spent all that time planning and believing that it was the right step for me. He showed me something different though, while I was thinking through everything. He was allowing me to walk in my hurt, question Him, and process it so I would finally come to the knowledge that His way is perfect. The Bible teaches that God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways. The same God, Yahweh, who placed the stars up in the sky and called the universe into existence, had to teach me how to wait upon Him in all things. He let me lose that dream I desired so His perfect plan for me could be manifested in His timing. Sometimes, we ask God for personal desires of our heart whether it be healing, financial, or materialistic. Then, in the asking, it seems as if God is saying, "No" when we don't see the answer we were expecting to materialize. God is actually not saying, "No" as we would assume; He is making a better way. Just like a parent who has to say no to their child because they know it’s not the right thing for them. That child may cry and be angry for a while, but eventually he/she will come around and realize their parent loves them and wants only what is best for them. It is the same with God. He is our Father and knows what is best for us even when we don't understand why.
I know it's really difficult to make sense of everything when you are hurting so much during that time. However, God sees the bigger picture. He sees ahead what we cannot see. He already knows what will happen. He knows the harm it will cause in the long run for us. God wants us to grow in our faith and learn how to completely trust in Him and rely on His Word.
After I had finished dealing with all my frustrations and questioning God, I finally came to terms with my situation and realized, God is still God no matter what! He has not changed! His Word still works and is perfect! He is still in the business of blessing! He still wants us to walk by Faith and not by Sight! He still wants us to see Him for who He is, a God that cares, loves, and sees into our very souls! The Bible says, "Without Faith it is impossible to please Him". In all the struggles throughout my life, I have seen God change me and enable me to come out with stronger faith, perseverance, patience, and a better understanding of God by staying in His Word. If I run from God because I was hurt or angry at Him, I am defeated! But, if I choose to run to God in search of His plan, comfort, and answers, I become victorious! When I refuse to allow the devil to pull me down, God raises me back up again. Nothing in my life is meaningless! The Bible says, "All things work together for the good to those who love, rely on and put their trust in Him". I choose to wait on God and see how all this plays out as I have done so many times before. I may not see it right now or understand it, but I know that one day I will look back and see how God carefully and lovingly watched out for me during this time of my life.
Thank you, God, for taking care of me! For helping me realize that you are for me and not against me! I will walk one step at a time to see what you have next! I graciously thank you Lord, for removing everything that could bring harm to me in my future! Thank you for letting me learn a valuable lesson in all of this waiting! I love you and know my life is in your hands! Amen
So, my friends, "What's next when God seems to say no?".......Wait patiently in Faith and you will see!
©Copyright 2019-Crickettt’s Sanctuary/Author- “Crickettt”. All Rights Reserved. All written materials in personal blogs, websites or network pages cannot be used, reproduced, copied to a CD, sold and distributed or altered in any way without permission from the owner. Thanks for your cooperation and God Bless.