You Just Passed Me By
I stood in the rain shivering from the cold night air
My clothes were old and torn
I had no coat to keep me warm
I saw you coming in my direction hoping you would help me
But, you just passed me by.
We were so hungry, and our children hadn't eaten in days
I saw you outside bringing in your groceries
For a moment, you looked my way
I waved at you hoping you'd come visit and see our need
But, you just passed me by.
I was so lonely and hurting, just longing for a friend
My limbs, now feeble with age, kept me from getting out as much
The recent death of my spouse was just too hard to bear alone
I saw you drive by today and hoped you would stop and comfort me
But, you just passed me by.
My parents both died, and I was left orphaned at the age of nine
I had no other family and no place else to go
I saw you today while you were shopping
You recognized me on the street, and I thought you would offer me a place to stay and rest
But, you just passed me by.
The doctors said I didn't have much longer to live
So, I lay there in the hospital wishing someone would visit me and lift my spirits
You came by today to eat lunch with a friend
I hoped you might stop by my room and cheer me up
But, you just passed me by.
These four cell walls become very discouraging and empty at times
I got down on my knees today and prayed for someone to visit me
I needed some encouraging words to help ease my pain
I saw you walking by outside and wondered if you might remember me here in this prison
But, you just passed me by.
I came to see you today child, during your busy day
I thought you might stop to listen because, I had so much to say
I tried to get your attention and urge you along the way
But, you were too distracted and couldn't slow down to pray
Then, for just a moment, I thought you heard my voice
And so, I waited patiently
But, you just passed me by.
Why is it my friend, somehow, we cannot see
The many people around us so desperately in need
If we would only, give to the poor, feed the hungry, comfort the aging, help the orphaned, visit the sick, reach out to those in prison and make time for Jesus....
Then, maybe we'd realize that there's much more to living and we'd seize each opportunity
But, instead we're too busy in this world to notice all their cries for help
So, we just pass them by.
Matthew 25:31-40-....Truly I tell you, in as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have also done it unto me.
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