Your Two Cents Matters
I wanted to share with you a true story that recently happened to someone I know. He works in retail and had been very busy checking out customers that day. An elderly couple was waiting in line and began to argue about what she was buying. The cashier continued to check out the other customers. The conversation between the couple became a bit more intense and comical as they continued to argue back and forth. Finally, the woman turned to her husband and said, "Your two cents doesn't matter anyway!" The elderly man stood there surprised and frustrated at what she had just said. They finally reached the checkout counter and by this time the elderly man had not spoken another word to his wife. The cashier began to ring up all the items and told the woman the amount to be paid which was $13.02. She handed him her dollars and fumbled through her purse for some loose change to pick up the rest. Unfortunately, she had no change. She turned and looked to her husband who reached into his pocket and pulled out the 2 pennies. Turning to her with a smirk on his face, he chuckled and said, "I guess my two cents matters after all." The elderly man and the cashier smiled at each other as he handed him the two pennies and turned around to leave the store. By the look on his face, you could tell that he had proven his point.
How typical of us to be so stubborn sometimes that we think we are the only ones with all the answers. We often shut others out because we don't want to hear what they have to say if it doesn't line up with what we want to hear. We treat people as if, "their two cents of information do not matter to us".
It is the same way we treat God sometimes. He has given us everything we need to know about in His Word. His rules and guidelines help teach us how to live an abundant life. He has mapped it all out and made it so easy that even a child can understand. And yet, we ignore His Word because we don't think His answers or solutions line up with the way we think it should be. We set His Word aside, collecting dust or pick it up when we think we need a little help every now and then. We go about our day trying to figure everything out for ourselves while God waits patiently for us to come to our senses. Other times, we try to throw in our "two cents" as if God doesn't know what He is doing or as if He needs our help. I can assure you, God does not need our help. He knows the beginning to the end. How much easier it would be if we could just let go and let God do things His way.
Maybe you have come across situations where your input could have helped someone out but they are not willing to listen. In the frustration of it all, you wonder if they realize how much quicker it would be if they would just stop and hear what you had to say. Some people have what I call a "Rebellious Spirit". They have to do it their way or no way at all.
No matter what situations you may face in life, just remember one thing...."Your Two Cents Does Matter".
James 1:5-(TLB) If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him; He will not resent it.
Psalm 33:4-(Amplified Bible)-For the Word of the Lord is right; and all His work is done in faithfulness.
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