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Keep Your Dreams Alive

Keep Your Dreams Alive!


 Jeremiah 29-11(NIV)-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

"Lamentations 3:25(NIV)-The LORD is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him;

Romans 5:5(NIV)-And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.

Romans 12:12(NIV)-Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful

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Just a Whisper Away

 Just A Whisper Away


I hear you in the midnight hour

Pouring out your love to me.

Filling me with joy unspeakable

And a heart of faith to always see.


 Lord, my soul rejoices in you

And sometimes it's hard to comprehend.

But I find comfort in each new day

Knowing Lord, you are, just a whisper away.


 In my sins Lord, you are there

To forgive me as you often do.

I cry out your name 'O Lord

Searching for answers I need from you.


 I'll wait and watch for a new tomorrow

Holding on to what you've said

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Jesus is Coming Soon!

Jesus Is Coming Soon!


 I thought this would be a good opportunity to start sharing with you some lessons I began sending out in 1996 through a prison ministry.  I hope these will be a blessing to you. I pray that God will open your Heart and Spirit to hear His Word to you today!

 (KJV)Luke 12:37, 38, 40 "Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when He comes shall find watching; and if He shall come in a second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those serv

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It's Just A Small Step But, You Can Get Over It!



For many, the trials and tests of life can be devastating, leaving us empty and alone.  However, there is HOPE in the middle of the valley.  Hearts can be filled, lives changed and strengthened.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  There is someone much bigger than you and I who is waiting for you to call on His Name!  Let your voice be heard today!  Besides, it's just a "small step" and you can get over it!  You can rise ab

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I Will Praise You in the Storm

I Will Praise You in the Storm


 There are storms in our lives that often seem to rise up so unexpectedly.  In one split moment, your life can change.  Nothing is the same again.  Your joy has somehow been stolen away and in its place rushes all these waves of confusion and disbelief.  "How did this happen"?  "What am I going to do now"?  There are so many questions and not enough answers.  Life is so uncertain when you are hurting.  There is no easy way out.  No "if only" and no way t

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I Am the Good Shepherd

I Am the Good Shepherd


I followed Him through the midst

Not knowing where He'd lead

Yet, in my heart His peace remained

And His Word I would take heed.


He gathered me up so gently

As my feet did start to fall

Then lovingly He reassured me

That on His Name I could call.


No other love can take His place

Or wipe away the tears

For God Himself has been there

Through all the passing years.


He led me to a place of rest

On which to lay my head

Where songs are sung, and praises raised

To God who saved th

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His Love Never Changes

His Love Never Changes


The love of God cannot be measured, nor is it limited.  However, mankind tends to place many different limits upon loving others because of fear.  The Bible teaches that God is the same yesterday, today and forever; He changes not.  He does not change the way He loves us even when we sin against Him.  We love until we are hurt and then we stop, give up, and push others away.  We change our minds so easily about loving them and yet, God’s love is never ending.  H

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Hiding Your Talents

Hiding Your Talents


 How wonderful you are Oh Lord. Your beauty is seen in everything around us that we take for granted.  From the smallest creature to the tallest mountain.  All of our words cannot express your greatness.

Your purpose for our lives is bigger than what we can possibly imagine for ourselves. How sad that we have dreams and unctions within but do not act upon them. Instead, we think we are not good enough or who on earth would be interested in what we had to offer.  Eac

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He Tore Down the Wall

 He Tore Down the Wall

(Verses from The Message Bible)

 *These verses need no commentary from me; they say everything we need to hear and so much more.  I pray you will ask God to open your heart and mind to His Word so you can know the Truth and be set free.

God Bless, Crickettt

 Ephesians 2:1-22

“It wasn’t so long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life of sin. You let the world, which doesn’t know the first thing about living, tell you how to live. You filled your lungs with polluted unb

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Guide Me Gentle Teacher

Guide Me Gentle Teacher


Guide me gentle teacher

To the place I have not known

Put your loving arms around me

As I face these perils alone.


Guide me gentle teacher

When this life has left me dry

Fill the emptiness inside me

And do not pass me by.


Guide me gentle teacher

Though I often times am weak

Let the light you give shine through me

And give me words to speak.


Guide me gentle teacher

Down the road you have in store

Keep my feet from stumbling

And do not close the door.


Guide me gentle teacher

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Grace for the Moment

Grace for the Moment


Give me Grace Lord, for the moment,

Teach me how to follow your ways.

The path of life is hard at times,

Please stay close beside me today.


Let your love shine through the darkness,

Be my light when the road is long.

Help me find what I've been missing,

Give me strength to carry on.


There are times when I feel helpless,

Times I'm lost and all alone.

That's when You come and calm my spirit,

Bringing love I've not been shown.


Give me Grace Lord, through every trial,

Keep me s

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God's Word Never Fails

God's Word Never Fails


 Isaiah 56:11- It is the same with My Word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. (NLT)

 There is one thing we can truly count on that will never fail us and it is the Word of God.  I once heard someone say, "If God said it, I believe it, so that settles it!"  According to the Bible, we can take God at his Word.  With His Word, He spoke everything into existence.  The Bible also

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God's Plan and the Power of Words

God's Plan and the Power of Words


 Have you ever asked the question, "What is your plan for me God?"  A large number of people would answer "Yes" to that question, while others would have no opinion at all. Inside of every living creature there is a perfect plan...God's Plan.  From the very beginning of time, all life was given a purpose to be fulfilled.  We may never understand exactly what those plans are but, God knows.  There is such a wonderful mystery about the process of life;

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God Still Delivers

God Still Delivers


 (NKJ)Psalm 20-The Lord hear you in the day of trouble, the name of the God of Jacob defend you; send you help from the Sanctuary and strengthen you; remember all your offerings. Grant you according to your own heart and fulfill all you counsel. The Lord fulfills all your petitions. Now know I that the Lord saves his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand. We will remember the name of the Lord our God.

 Sometimes, t

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God is Not Shaken

God Is Not Shaken


 It's so easy to just want to give up when you've struggled so much. You stand there in your Faith waiting on God to change things. And just when you think it's all going to be o.k., and the storm is over, that same storm raises its ugly head to taunt you once again. "What happened? I don't understand. I thought I did everything I knew to do?" "Why is this happening again? How much more can I take?"

The Bible says in II Corinthians 4:8-9-"We are troubled on every side

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Get in the Back Seat!

Get in the Back Seat!


 Philippians 4:6-7(GW)--Never worry about anything.  But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks.  Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.

Psalm 50:15(GW)--Call on me in times of trouble.  I will rescue you, and you will honor me.

Proverbs 3;5-6(GW)--Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.  In all

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Finding God's Supernatural Peace

Finding God’s Supernatural Peace


 Isaiah 26:3(NIV)- You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.

 Luke 1:79(NIV)- To shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.

 John 14:27(NIV)- Peace I leave with you; My Peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

 John 16:33(NIV)- “I have told you these things, so that in me you m

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Finding God's Perfect Will

Finding God's Perfect Will


 Every Christian and those searching for answers about God are looking to know, "What is God's Perfect Will for my life?" The answer is found deep inside each one of us. When God created mankind, He also placed within us the ability to know Him. Some choose not to know God and walk in darkness. Others choose to know all about Him and desire His perfect Plan and Will for their lives. When you are walking in the light of God, Who, is the Light, there is a deep

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Don't Stop Reaching

Don't Stop Reaching


 (Amplified version) Isaiah 59:1-Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened at all, that it cannot save, not His ear dull with deafness, that it cannot hear.

Psalm 139:10-Even there shall your hand lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.

 Do you have dreams inside you that maybe never manifested?  Are you stuck in a position where you do not know or understand which way to turn to make it happen?

There is hope!  God knows everything about those dreams because not onl

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Don't Shut the Door on God!

Thank you once again for allowing me to share with you something I believe is so vitally important today. There are so many things happening in this life that we don't always understand. God can take each situation we are facing and turn it completely around for our good. And in those circumstances, we face each day, we can learn a valuable lesson if we will take the time to let God speak to our hearts. God is reaching out to all who will listen. His Holy Spirit is working in the lives of others

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