The 2023 '40 Days of Teshuvah' call to Prayer and Fasting has been fulfilled. What a beautiful time this was for 3100 or more intercessors, called in spirit and truth to link vocal and virtual arms in prayer on behalf of our personal need of repentance, and repentance of nations around the world. There was a consistent and specific time of prayer on behalf of YHWH's covenant nation, Israel - and what timing!
We have all read or watched the heartbreaking news and videos of horrific slaughtering of men, women, elderly (including holocaust survivors), youth, children and precious babies at the hands of a wicked, foreign terrorist organization, of pure evil, known as Hamas (the same foreign terrorist organization that Joe Biden pledged $100,000,000.00 of American worker's tax dollars to).
We are all humbled to have taken our places as watchmen on the wall, and unbeknownst to us at the time, in preparation for these dark and evil attacks that have taken place these past few days against Israel's people. In the midst of the unimaginable carnage, stories of miracles are coming to light. Who knows that for such a time as this, many lives were spared because armour clad souls were seeking YHWH's face on behalf of Israel.
That does not diminish the precious sacred lives murdered.
There was absolutely no reason for this barbaric act carried out on these innocent souls. One day quickly, those evil beings who committed these atrocious acts against YHWH'S precious children, will stand naked before their creator. In great fear and trembling, each one will be judged according to his evil deeds. There will be no virgins waiting for their abuses; there will be only weeping and gnashing of teeth because their god, Allah, is non-existent. The god they are serving is satan, the liar who stole their souls out from under their hardened hearts.
This is why we must
We cannot give one foothold to the dark powers in the heavenly places and on earth. We must stay alert and watchful, eyes wide open and armoured up with the full armour of our YHWH.
Never give up!
Never give in!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
*Join us in 2024 for the next
40 Days of Teshuvah Prayer and Fasting!*
I have decided to keep this post (and my other daily postings during the 40 Days) up for those who are interested in knowing more about my thoughts during this precious time of prayer, along with 40 of the timeless Names of our YHWH!
You will never forget!!
Michele Bachmann and her dedicated assistant, Anita Reed, along with other faithful partners of Regent University, have hosted a much desired and needed online Zoom call to usher the fellowship of believers all around the world into a time of prayer and fasting, with repentance.
The shofar has sounded and the call for Teshuva (returning and repentance) is echoing throughout Israel and individual Jewish families and communities around the world even now.
Isaiah 58:1 of the First Covenant (Old Testament) of the Bible reads:
"Cry aloud, do not spare. Lift up your voice like a ram's horn. Declare to my people their transgression, and the house of Ya'aqob (Jacob) their sin.
It is a joy and a true privilege to join in with this wide community of people who have heard the call to bend the heart's knees to our Father in heaven, recognizing the state of our own souls and that of the nations of the world. And so, we seek our righteous judge and merciful One together each morning (and for some, each evening) and link virtual spirit arms as we cry out for the soul of our homelands.
Each day, I have committed to a short post of a thought from a scripture Michele references, or a prayer. As I search Spirit of Truth to lead and guide me into a clearer understanding of my need for repentance, the call of my heart continues for the state of our nation and around the globe. I realize even more desperately how important it is right now to prepare our souls through the Word of YHWH, and to strengthen our minds through the Spirit of Truth. Join us as we pour our souls out to our YHWH (Merciful One), these 40 days. Perhaps you can jump on in with us and strengthen the chain of intercessors as we gather in our individual dugouts, surrounded by spiritual enemy fire, singing songs of praise and thanksgiving to our mighty King of kings and LORD of lords, and calling out to Him for rescue. This time is a real and raw moment in my life and in the lives of all gathering together online.
Remember, the Jewish calendar day begins sunset to sunset of the following day, just as YHWH expressed in the first chapter of the book of Genesis, of the Bible. So don't get confused by the calendar dates I post.
Heavenly Father, show mercy on us all,
and teach us to pray.