Please join Anchored4Christ as we lift our voices in prayer for Israel, along with fellow Christian leaders in the US and around the world.
Find out more about this urgent call to prayer on the following link:
Let's make a prayerful noise so loud that all of heaven turns towards this tiny blue speck in the universe and pauses in awe and silence!
Hear our fervent and honest prayers before YOU oh great and mighty LORD of all of creation! Turn YOUR ears towards us and REMEMBER your covenant to Abraham!
Set Israel free from Hamas and the ignorance of people in America and all over the earth spouting hatred towards this tiny set-apart nation!
Revive Israel, oh YHWH Elohim.
Peace to Jerusalem forever!!
If we do not stand for Israel, we will fall to our ultimate demise. The chants of death to Israel will return, much like a boomerang when hurled, back towards the ones who hurled it. But in this case, with greater force and destruction.
As we use to say in my youth:
"Hide 'n watch"
(see for yourself, that what I have said is true)