If you have been keeping up with the shocking events happening all over our world, you may have missed one major event that threatens the national sovereignty of every country, continent, nation and person on the planet (except the global elites).
Last evening, the World Prayer Network hosted a few guest prayer parteners including Michelle Bachmann, Dr Jill Malone (wife of Dr Robert Malone), and Travis Weber (news reporter in Geneva) in a discussion/time of prayer concerning the status of Israel, and the treaty with WHO (World Health Organization) that will affect all of us, individually.
Please click the following link to hear an update on the WHO treaty, how that treaty will affect you, and what you can do to help STOP it from moving forward.
There may still be a glimmer of hope yet. Will you join us in prayer and action?
Queen Esther, in the Scriptures, did not sit back and just assume things would work out for the Jewish nation (her family). She took action! Not only did she seek YHWH Elohim (the One true God), she concocted a plan, even to her possible detriment, to present her petition to the king (her husband). It was through Esther that the evil plans of darkness were thwarted, and the Jewish nation was saved.
We are nations of people under a devious and divisive attack right now. We must fight on our knees, both privately and publicly.
We must never give in to evil. Never!
Remember the "if" factor.
"...if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2Chronicles 7:14 ESV
Trust YHWH Elohim. Not only does He have the authority and power to turn the evil back onto the heads of the evil doers, but He is that authority and power.
For such a time as this ...
Though He slay me .. yet will I trust Him!